In my most recent report, I connected the staged suicide deaths of late rockers Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington with a CIA backed alien race that likes to eat little kids. The Vril, as they are known… are as real as your or me, and now is the time to be honest with yourself about the shocking reality we are […]
VRIL: The Aliens Have Arrived (Pt. 2)
333: The Day Of The Beast!
Most people walk around not having any clue as to the significance of a specific date. If it’s not your birthday, tax day or your wedding day, most still standing upright could really care less. But what if it meant something else? What if a date marked the end of the world? I’m not saying today is that day. Even […]
Aliens, Cannibalism & The Return Of Bigfoot!
In my previous reporting, I examined the myths of El Coco and the jinn, both terrifying demonic entities who continue to haunt human beings. That being said, I now want to take readers deep into the middle of the forest where the greatest unknown subject in the history of mankind still terrorizes people many decades later after first appearing in […]
VRIL: The Aliens Have Arrived (Pt. 1)
In my previous reporting, I took readers further down the rabbit hole of Pizzagate, exploring the malevolent mythical entities such as El Coco and the jinn who many occult experts like myself believe are partially responsible for the massive amount of body snatching of children going on all around the world. The tales of staged alien abductions carried out on […]
Chester Bennington, LAPD and 2 Black Books
After a long independent death investigation that I’ve conducted on behalf of Chester Bennington, the late vocalist of LINKIN PARK band, I have determined that he did not commit suicide and foul play was definitely involved. I was the only person in the media who even stepped forward to request Mr. Bennington’s autopsy report, and it took over 130 days […]
EL COCO – The Child Killer Who Really Exists!
“There is in the land of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream and out of which no stream flows. Ten thousand years ago there stood by its shore the mighty city of Sarnath, but Sarnath stands there no more. It is told that in the immemorial years when the world was young, before ever the […]
JOHNNY DEPP – Is He Battling Adrenochrome Induced Schizophrenia? (Part 3)
Johnny Depp is seriously down on his luck as of late. Hell, let’s face it, the man is locked currently in a downward spiral that is so sensational it’s hard to believe at times, right? The one time box office star has hit the skids so bad in 2019 that he and his brilliant legal team have now decided to […]
Report: Elizabeth Short, Jigsaw and Temple Of The Dog (Part 2)
In the first installment of this three part report, I carefully explained to readers my explosive theory that LAPD is involved in a major cover up with regards to the murder of Elizabeth Short, aka “Black Dahlia”. Did you know that early on in the homicide investigation of this young woman’s gruesome slaying it’s known that a purported ‘anonymous phone […]
Rest In Peace, Bud Rotman!
‘When evil men destroy, good men must build and bind.’ – Anas Aremeyaw Anas I want to take a moment and acknowledge the 2018 passing of my legendary Venice High School journalism teacher Mr. Rotman also known as “Bud”. He passed away July 7th in Idaho at the age of 90. Without his belief in me as a young […]
LADY GAGA Is Recording Music With METALLICA?
Gaga fans are going nuts. What is the fuss all about now? Did Bradley Cooper call her the ‘C’ word or something? No, it’s even worse than that. A METALLICA forum member posted the above recent photo of Lady Gaga and a mystery person believed to be Lars Ulrich standing outside an L.A. recording studio. Last October it was widely […]