Readers will recall the drama surrounding Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington‘s deaths centered around “spirit cooking”, a “black book” and a pizza joint with ping pong tables located in Washington DC called Comet Pizza, where the mainstream news media labeled the “Pizzagate” scandal to be a hoax.
The Pizzagate theory accuses both John Podesta and Hillary Clinton of knowingly supporting, participating in disturbing rituals, including being at the head of a worldwide child sex trafficking ring. This is why Frazzledrip snuff film was covered up, and my YouTube channels demonetized and then terminated for no reason, other than to silence my work. I had posted damning video evidence that the evil cabal was not happy with. I recently was let out of a 14-month Twitter ban. My work continues to be censored on that platform and on all of the others as well. I am still one of the luckiest dudes around. Most if not all major whistleblowers are dead.
Names of those who have visited Comet Pizza in Washington DC include Hillary Clinton and John “Skippy” Podesta among others. Who donated to the Clinton presidential campaign? None other than Comet’s owner James Alefantis. Who tipped off everyone in the first place with the leaks, a dude employed by the democrats, right? His name was Seth Rich. What happened to him?
Seth was found dead, of what was reported as a robbery, yet his wallet was not taken from him. That was a clear message being sent by the Illuminati. Keep your mouth shut.

Elites that have been named as potentially criminally tied to the elite pedophile/murder ring have sworn that they had nothing to do with any of the human trafficking/sex slavery, despite a lot of evidence that says otherwise. I want to help refresh everyone’s memory about who you need to be focused on prosecuting next, okay? One of those people is a key player in the scandal, John Podesta, whose purported biological son is deceased rock n roll star Chester Bennington of LINKIN PARK fame. I was able to connect Chester and John, not through DNA match (as one would expect) but through the SE4ALL global energy initiative.
The objection of this report is to show readers that both political sides are involved in the cover-up, so stop falling for the lies of the mainstream news media who is helping in the cover-up.
Let me point out that my journalism has been featured on the top mainstream news sites like Yahoo, The Detroit News, International Business Times, and many top names, including the best in alternative news reporting:
Before my deep dive continues any further, however, please consider this Reddit user’s questions:
Did you know Lincoln Park was a military base in Canada where they experimented & tortured children for a top-secret CIA project called MK Ultra?
Did you know Chester Bennington struggled his whole life with trauma and depression from the sexual abuse he experienced as a child? Did you know Chester “never knew” who his father was?
Did you know that Linkin Park’s brand logo symbolizes the spiraling triangle symbol used by pedophiles?
Did you know that John Podesta, Clinton’s Chief of Staff, exposed for #pizzagate #PodestaEmails, is allegedly the biological father of Chester Bennington?
Did you know that Linkin Park received a grant from the Clinton Foundation during Podesta’s time as Chairman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign?

The other elite who claims they are not a child killing devil worshipper is a strange rich woman with a dark side named Marina Abramovic, who is tied to all of the players surrounding the deaths of Cornell and Bennington. She is tied to the Podesta brothers, who are connected to the killing of innocent children abducted from all over the world, including Haiti, and even the unsolved disappearance of young Madeleine McCann, so I am making both John “Skippy” Podesta and Marina Abramovic the subject of this new deep dive.
Back in 2016, when another whistleblower Max Spiers was found dead on my birthday (July 16) – John Podesta’s creepy pedo emails had already leaked and revealed many disturbing things that tied all of it together. Spiers blamed U.S. military Satanist Michael Aquino for orchestrating the American human trafficking ring via a CIA backed program called “The Finders” and I found out it directly linked to Johnny Depp’s late close pal Hunter S Thompson, who an MK ULTRA victim of Aquino’s ring named Paul Bonacci said that Thompson was the director of snuff films produced for the ring under Aquino.
In Podesta’s emails, who does he and his brother directly connect to? Yes, you guessed it, Marina Abramovic and one of her spirit cooking parties.

Once Donald Trump was in office all of his empty promises about arresting Clinton and all the other elites responsible for the abused/murdered children connected to Epstein’s Orgy Island were forgotten about.

When he was still alive, Jeffrey Epstein remained the Teflon pedophile. U.S. Attorney and former Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta issued Epstein the deal of a lifetime. He agreed not to charge Epstein with the serial rape and trafficking of children. All he got was a slap on the wrist — a non-prosecution agreement for soliciting a prostitute. The “prostitute” in question, one that Acosta deemed to fall under consent, was a 14-year-old child.
All potential co-conspirators were protected by this dirty deal. You see, Ghislaine Maxwell, took the fall for everyone it seems, and was sentenced to twenty years in prison for her crimes.
So, what about the others? What about the names in Epstein’s “black book” that have been found to be involved in paying for the sex slaves? When are they going to be punished like Maxwell?

Did you know that Neon Nettle site pulled down a 2017 story that featured my work? I found the archived version, so fans can learn more background on the matter.

Chester Bennington was About to Expose the Truth Behind Chris Cornell’s Death:
My journalism on both the Cornell and Bennington cases amassed billions of views around the world, establishing me as not only the most prolific journalist of all time (setting a record with 15 long format dissertations authored and published within the same week), but also it made me the most famous reporter ever, due to being the most interviewed and most widely published. In total, I wrote over 300 dissertations on Chris and Chester’s death investigations combined.
During my epic #TruthForChris investigation, I uncovered that Chris Cornell’s bodyguard Martin Kirsten was MOSSAD connected, like Jeffrey Epstein was, and Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell.
Juan Alessi, a former house manager for Epstein, told the court that over a 10-year period, Ghislaine Maxwell procured more than 100 young women that she called “massage therapists” and brought them to Epstein’s home. He said that when he cleaned up after them, he found vibrators and sex toys on the massage table.
The Chester Murder Hoax article dropped via YourNewsWire site (now NewsPunch) and named me as the person who perpetuated a hoax about Chester’s death in the media, and overnight that one single article was shared one million times on Facebook alone, racking up an estimated 500 million views, and this does not include Twitter’s stats or other sites who published the story about my purported Chester hoax that made it all the way to Pakistan.

For Some Reason, People Believe Chester Bennington And Chris Cornell Were Murdered By A Pedophile Ring
Mr. Alessi would prove to be an important link to the criminal enterprise that was carried out between Epstein and the rich and famous. This is where Epstein’s infamous “black book” was recovered.

As the story goes, the prosecutor took it out of its own “dedicated accordion file”, passed it around for the defense team and judge to observe, and then took it up to Alessi on the witness stand.
He identified it as the kind of address book that would be found at Epstein’s house, and he said he recognized many of the entries.

#PizzaGate Haitian shipping containers linked to James Alefantis of Comet Pizza??? Hmmm…
During my research I learned that most of the kids being abducted by the ring are being transported like “artwork” in shipping containers, and the “spoil rate” is really high, meaning a lot of the kids die, and those who are lucky enough to survive are sold into sex slavery in America (brothels), or sent through the Satanic foster care system, which usually ends up with them being ritually killed and discarded of like trash. #TruthForChester #TruthForChris
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) May 11, 2023
Epstein’s “black book” was included in the Swordfish computer file that also contained other damning evidence about the Washington DC based child trafficking ring, namely Frazzledrip snuff video. Murdered rocker Chris Cornell was said to have been sent the Swordfish file by UFO expert/rocker Tom Delonge and then next Chester Bennington is found dead on Chris’ birthday two months later.
According to Slate website, on day four of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial year before last, Government Exhibit 52 made its much-anticipated debut. This is Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book”—the telephone directory containing names and numbers for a huge roster of Epstein’s wealthy and powerful friends. Of the inner circle named in the black book are Courtney Love along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, plus Donald Trump among the many.

The book was introduced as the prosecution’s witness Juan Alessi was on the stand.
Alessi was the resident butler/driver/gofer at Epstein’s Palm Beach, Florida, house from around 1991 until 2002. He described the surroundings of the decadent atmosphere around the mansion, as being “like a five-star hotel.” He was expected to keep wads of hundred-dollar bills stocked in each of Epstein’s cars at all times.
He said a lot of young, sexy women hung around Epstein’s pool and that they were topless “75 to 80 percent of the time.” He said Ghislaine Maxwell, whom he called the “lady of the house,” took many photos of these topless women, and displayed them in frames on her desk there.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an on the record Epstein sex slave, who sued Maxwell and claims that she procured her for sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew, now totally disgraced by the royal family – said she was also “forced” to have sex with Jean-Luc Brunel as well as Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, “and many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders,” the documents say.
Among the other girls in Epstein’s harem was Nada Marcinkova, who had been allegedly bought from her parents in Eastern Europe by Epstein when she was 15, according to one of Epstein’s alleged victims.
Marcinkova, who now goes by the name Nadia Marcinko, was one of Epstein’s alleged “sex slaves” and allegedly participated in “trysts with underage girls”, according to court papers.
If Chris Cornell's death was a suicide, why is there so much blood in the death scene photos?
— Intl. Business Times (@IBTimes) July 15, 2017
The real dark part of the story has yet to be told.
Did you know that Marina Abramovic is actually the brother of Ghislaine Maxwell?
I have learned that Satanist Marina Abramovic is actually Michael Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell‘s oldest brother who “died” in 1969 after being “in a coma for 8 years following a car crash” So he was born in 1946 like Marina. They’re all connected.

The rabbit hole never ends. : r/TopConspiracy (
Via NY Post:
Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s gang of accused slave ‘recruiters’ (

Girls recruited as models from around the world were brought to the US and the building by MC2, a modeling company run by Epstein pal Jean-Luc Brunel. The company was financed by Epstein beginning in 2003, court papers show.
The girls passed through various apartments in the building where assistants arranged for their work visas, booked travel and modeling jobs. Some were also dispatched for other duties to Epstein’s nearby mansion on East 71st Street, court papers say.
Epstein “was the one who said who stays in what apartment,” said Maritza Vasquez, who worked as a bookkeeper for MC2, in a 2010 deposition made public.

“Epstein and Brunel would then obtain a visa for these girls, then would charge the underage girls rent,” court documents say.
According to a cache of more than 2,000 documents “unsealed in a defamation case against former Epstein gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell”, Brunel was planning dirty things for the girls. He offered them up as young as 16 for “massages” with Epstein that often wound up as sexual-abuse sessions, according to documents filed in the lawsuit.
“I’m not a Satanist!”
– Marina Abramovic

The act of spirit cooking involves Abramović using pig’s blood as a way of connecting with the spiritual world. A video of the practice shows her writing various statements with the blood, such as “with a sharp knife cut deeply into your middle finger eat the pain”.

In correspondence dated June 28, 2015, Marina Abramovic wrote the following to Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, who is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman:
“I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.”
Tony Podesta forwarded the message to John Podesta, asking, “Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 Marina wants you to come to dinner.”

Menstrual blood, semen and breast milk: Most bizarre Wikileaks revelation yet
In what is undoubtedly the most bizarre Wikileaks revelation to date, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” by performance artist Marina Abramovic, to take part in an occult ritual founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.
What is “spirit cooking”?
Spirit cooking refers to “a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley” and involves an occult performance during which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are used to create a “painting”.
According to Marina Abramovic, if the ritual is performed in an art gallery, it is merely art, but if the ritual is performed privately, then it represents an intimate spiritual ceremony.
Abramovic mixes together thickly congealed blood as the “recipe” for the “painting,” which is comprised of the words, “With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand eat the pain.”
The ceremony is, “meant to symbolize the union between the microcosm, Man, and the macrocosm, the Divine, which is a representation of one of the prime maxims in Hermeticism “As Above, So Below.”
“Abramovic is known for her often-gory art that confronts pain and ritual. Her first performance involved repeatedly, stabbing herself in her hands. The next performance featured her throwing her nails, toenails, and hair into a flaming five-point star — which she eventually jumped inside of, causing her to lose consciousness,” writes Cassandra Fairbanks.
Another image shows Abramovic posing with a bloody goat’s head – a representation of the occult symbol Baphomet.

Who is Baphomet? The demonic god who has both traits of being a man and a woman.
Baphomet is characterized as a part=man, part-woman, part-goat, part-human.
Spirit cooking is also an “occult practice used during sex cult rituals, as explained in the book “Spirit cooking with essential aphrodisiac recipes,” notes Mike Cernovich.
The revelation that John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, is presumably interested in weird, gory occult ceremonies was too juicy for even Wikileaks to ignore.
“The Podestas’ “Spirit Cooking” dinner? It’s not what you think. It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood,” the organization tweeted.
BREAKING: @abcnews anchor @arobach caught on 'hot mic' in August disgustedly exposing networks decision to strategically spike bombshell investigation into Jefferey Esptein over THREE YEARS AGO.
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
Says what she had was "unbelievable" #EpsteinCoverup:
To read more of Rocket’s acclaimed TRUTH reporting, go HERE.
Report: “SWORDFISH” Plans To Out “Music Industry Pedophiles” @rocketmetalden #NoMoreBullshit #TruthForChris #TruthForChester
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) July 30, 2021