Adrenochrome, Jeffrey Epstein, and the Alleged Murders of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington

This report delves into the controversial and explosive theories regarding the Nephilim, Anunnaki, and their alleged connections to elite pedophilia. It explores the belief that pedophiles are energy vampires (blueblood royal lines) and the involvement of ancient, extraterrestrial beings in these horrific acts. The report also touches on historical and cultural practices associated with the abuse of children. Nephilim and […]

On the Trail of the Zodiac: Hunting America’s Most Notorious Serial Killer

“The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears.”— Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear On The Trail of The Zodiac: Hunting America’s Most Notorious Serial Killer by Randy “Rocket” Cody Back in 2018, I first theorized that a high-ranking Satanist within the American military was the true identity of […]

Chris Cornell Was Right – PIZZAGATE IS REAL: The Clinton Foundation, MEGA GROUP And Steven Spielberg Are All Connected!

This is a report that delves deeper into what I call the Saturn death cult, Lord of the Rings, and how those elite who are involved in murdering our favorite celebrities and abducted kids all associate with the color black as well as Satan(ism), and its effect on mankind, the New World Order, which begins with the priesthoods of the […]

The Epstein Client List 1/3/2024

After weeks of speculation and anticipation, many of the names of former associates, employees, friends and victims of deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein have been released. The names were unsealed from a lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, an alleged trafficking victim, against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend. Maxwell, 61, is serving a 20-year prison sentence after she was convicted in December 2021 of helping […]

THE MOMENT OF TRUTH: Chris Cornell’s Salvation, Jeffrey Epstein And PizzaGate

Back in 2017, I got myself in the middle of the biggest scandal in news history, when I covered the mysterious deaths of late rockers Chris Cornell (SOUNDGARDEN, AUDIOSLAVE) and Chester Bennington (LINKIN PARK, STONE TEMPLE PILOTS), miraculously proving ‘foul play’ in both cases via my own independent forensic analysis that I executed via a multitude of long format dissertation […]

Epstein’s “Black Book”, Two Dead Rock Stars & PIZZAGATE

Readers will recall the drama surrounding Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington‘s deaths centered around “spirit cooking”, a “black book” and a pizza joint with ping pong tables located in Washington DC called Comet Pizza, where the mainstream news media labeled the “Pizzagate” scandal to be a hoax.  The Pizzagate theory accuses both John Podesta and Hillary Clinton of knowingly supporting, participating in disturbing rituals, […]

Did WWE’s Vince McMahon And The Satanic Illuminati Kill Pro Wrestling Superstar Chris Benoit? (Part 3)

Today is the 16 year anniversary of the purported murders of late WWE wrestling superstar Chris Benoit’s wife Nancy and his young son. When they were found slain in their home, police estimated the deaths of his family members by his hand happened on June 23, 2007. Chris was said to have committed suicide the next day on June 24, […]