“There is in the land of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream and out of which no stream flows. Ten thousand years ago there stood by its shore the mighty city of Sarnath, but Sarnath stands there no more. It is told that in the immemorial years when the world was young, before ever the men of Sarnath came to the land of Mnar, another city stood beside the lake; the grey stone city of Ib, which was old as the lake itself, and peopled with beings not pleasing to behold. Very odd and ugly were these beings, as indeed are most beings of a world yet inchoate and rudely fashioned. It is written on the brick cylinders of Kadatheron that the beings of Ib were in hue as green as the lake and the mists that rise above it; that they had bulging eyes, pouting, flabby lips, and curious ears, and were without voice. It is also written that they descended one night from the moon in a mist; they and the vast still lake and grey stone city Ib. However this may be, it is certain that they worshipped a sea-green stone idol chiselled in the likeness of Bokrug, the great water-lizard.”
– H. P. Lovecraft,
“The Doom That Came to Sarnath” (1920)

A lot of people around the USA are starting to ask questions about all of the missing children who keep vanishing without a trace… never to be seen or heard from again. Some, including myself, have tirelessly pushed the Pizzagate conspiracy theory as the main culprit behind all of the disappearances (Yes, elite pizza parties = dead kids), wherein a highly sophisticated and Government backed pedophile ring has reportedly raked in billions annually for the past 3 decades from body part plus adrenochrome harvesting. I know, I know… it sounds too far fetched to believe, right?
What if I told you that the killing machine responsible is not of this world?
El Chupacabra, which literally translates to “goat sucker,” is arguably one of the most famous urban legends around today. That’s due to reported “sightings” of the creature all across the Western Hemisphere, including the southern United States.
In Hollywood, we have been exposed to the shapeshifting demonic clown entity in the film “It”, an A grade horror flick based on the acclaimed Stephen King novel. It’s the unsettling tale of a creepy alien freak who stalks little kids from the city’s underground sewer.

El Chupacabra, who has certainly risen to legendary folk tale status, is said to have both vampiric and lizard-like features. He is mostly known for sucking the blood out of livestock, although there are accounts of attacks where small animals such as dogs and cats are torn apart.
Since the nineteen sixties, Americans have also been largely fascinated by the Bigfoot myth. There are occult insiders who feel that Bigfoot is the demonic entity called “Coco” who travels through a portal from the abyss located in the Redwood Forest of Northern California.
It’s okay to chuckle. But I assure my readers, this is not a joke.

Never heard of Coco? Well, point blank he is the most frightening mythical monster of them all. The absolutely gruesome Coco the bogeyman, aka “El Cucuy,” who I learned first originated in Portugal and Galicia, has terrified humanity for ages. During the Portuguese and Spanish colonization of Latin America. Providing an eerie chill to whomever heard an account of the Coco, the word of this feared monster began to spread to countries such as Mexico, Argentina, El Salvador and Chile.

“vete a dormir o te va llevar El Coco”
In some parts of the Spanish-speaking world, including some parts of the American Southwest, the Cucuy is commonly known as the Coco or Coco-Man. In Costa Rica, people vacation at Playas del Coco (El Coco to locals), which is one of the oldest beach communities in Guanacaste. Language historians have traced the origin of this word. Supernatural experts like myself continue to uncover more horrifying details of the demonic beast.
Here is what I learned.
“Cucuy” from “coco” has its origins in the Iberian Peninsula, specifically the country of Portugal and the far northwestern province of Spain, Galicia. The language of Galicia, called Galego, which is very similar to Portuguese, indeed shares a word with that language: côco. Early pirates actually came up with the name ‘coco-nuts’ based off this legendary beast because the outer shell resembles his scary face. In Brazilian folklore, he is typically referred to as Cuca and pictured as a female humanoid alligator, derived from the Portuguese coca, a dragon. The first written record of what would become the Cucuy is found in a book from Portugal dating to the year 1274 called Livro 3 de Doações de Dom Afonso Terceiro, or in English, Book 3 of Grants of King Alfonso the Third.

The “Coco” is described as a dark and malignant sea demon. Think of Creature From The Black Lagoon but even more frightening. There are other sources from hundreds of years ago in the Iberian Peninsula describing the Coco (male) or Coca (female) as “a large semi-aquatic reptile with spikes and a shell like a gigantic tortoise. ”
The ‘Cuca Fera’ was also described this way and purportedly survived on a daily diet of three cats and three bad children. According to my research, this terrifying Portuguese legend came to Mexico in the late 1500s during what has been called, “The Union of the Crowns.”
Way back between the years of 1580 and 1640, Spain and Portugal were together united under the Hapsburg Spanish kings. These kingdoms not only combined, but so did their overseas empires.
The practice of witchcraft among the elders of these lands are the ones who are believed to be the guilty culprits behind summoning this horrifying creature from beyond.
To conjure a dead spirit and bring it into this realm is undoubtedly the work of a witch or warlock within a Satanic coven who also holds a position of major respect in mainstream society like a law enforcement officer… or a park ranger, so nobody suspects them. The freemason’s worship Lord Lucifer, and each member, once reaching a certain level, takes a death oath to remain silent about this secret order pulling all the strings behind the scene, or their own life will be taken from them.

Yes, believe it or not, these psychotic pagan freemason black magick practicioners are the ones who are behind Coco’s nighmarish bloodshed over the years. The hardcore reality has been staring us in the face for centuries. The terrifying Coco monster was depicted in the artwork titled Que Viene el Coco by Goya, in 1799, and it shows a cloaked, menacing figure, in the room of scared children.

Digging deeper, we learn that the Spanish Royal Academy refers to “Coco” as the “ghost that is conjured up to scare children.”
As the story goes, the word ‘coco’ derives from the Galician and Portuguese côco [ˈko.ku], which referred to a ghost with a pumpkin head. This is the actual meaning behind American’s using a carved pumpkin on Hallowen today. Yes, it’s pretty twisted when you think about it. Americans unknowingly celebrate this mythical baby eater!
While Bigfoot and El Chupacabra are certainly more famous to Americans, undoubtedly, Coco has now increasingly become a strangely popular figure too in modern U.S. occult study.
“El Cucuy” is the 5th episode of the supernatural drama television series Grimm of season 3 from 2013.

Disney/Pixar’s 2017 movie, “Coco” is an animated tale, centered around the Mexican holiday, the Day of the Dead (El Dia de los Muertos).
Similar to El Chupacabra, Coco is a shapeshifting vampire entity who lusts after the blood and flesh of children. El Coco has the ability to transform into things to scare children like shadows stalking the boy or girl. This also allows the El Cuco to sneak up on the little one without detection.
In 2001, Cinco Puntos Press out of El Paso published the children’s book El Cucuy written by a Pennsylvanian man named Joe Hayes. It was Mr. Hayes’ book that helped bring the Coco out from the dark and into the light of day of the English-speaking world at large.
“What’s been called the Mexican version of the Bogeyman has been terrifying children throughout the Hispanic world for centuries and possibly thousands of years. While only a scattered few think the Coco is based on a real creature, some may be surprised to learn that the creature is very real and its origins go back to prehistoric Celtic Europe.”
In various versions of the legends the Cucuy, he can be a hairy wolfman-like creature – as in the Joe Hayes retelling – or resemble an old man, a frightening ghost or a large reptilian being. In some stories the Cucuy is wearing a dark cloak, much like the classic Grim Reaper. In other tales about Coco, he is said to be carrying a skull or something similar to a a jack-o-lantern that resembles a human skull.

The Coco possess superhuman agility allowing them to outrun any human and most animals, and they have a long, muscle toned body that allows them to scale buildings and sprint across large areas of land undetected. They also have enhanced strength capability, allowing them survive any physical confrontation with ease. But is not the way the Coco looks like but what it does that generates the most fear. El Coco is a child eater and a kidnapper.
“It will immediately devour the child, leaving no trace, or it may spirit the child away to a place to kill it in private.”
But don’t worry. The Coco is not real, right? Just like Pizzagate is totally bogus, huh?
I’m here to tell you all that the truth is stranger than fiction.

In 2016, all Hell broke loose at a Disney owned Florida resort when a little boy was killed in front of his family by an alligator that snatched the child from his father’s grasp.
(Orlando, Florida) Body of toddler taken by alligator has been found (June 16, 2016)
( Cue music for scary demonic summoning ritual, El Coco)
“The body of a two-year-old boy snatched by an alligator at a Disney Grand Floridian Resort & Spa in Orlando, Florida, has been found. Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings confirmed at a press conference that the toddler’s body was found in the water at about 3.30pm, Florida time, after more than 15 hours of searching the lake.”
There were reportedly “No swimming” signs at the lagoon, even though the Disney online ads/brochure promotes splashing around in the lagoon!
Keep in mind, Orlando was already reeling from the Pulse nightclub shooting and the brutal murder of former The Voice starlet Christina Grimmie. Both of which I believe were nothing more than ‘false flag’ operations carried out by the evil Illuminati in the ongoing attempt to demonize gun ownership in the USA.
The word “bogeyman” is derived from Middle English bogge or bugge. It is thought to be related to other words such as Scots bogle, Norse puki, and Gaelic púca.
Coco is known in many Spanish-speaking countries. Just like the bogeyman, he is described as an evil monster who hides under children’s beds.
In Latin America, Coco often takes the form of a small humanoid with glowing red eyes and hides in closets or under the bed. Whatever these creatures appearance, they all are after the same thing: to kill children.
In his book about myths, legends and popular beliefs in Boyacá, Colombia, Javier Ocampo López says that the myths of Latin American phantoms have been passed on by tradition and appear in our present as survivors of the past. The author states that they “govern the lives of people and the countryside.”
He writes that “very extraordinary thing in nature is seen as having a core or spiritual essence, which plays an active role in the existence of that which surrounds and includes people.”
Some versions of the legend liken him to a small adult, while in other versions El Cucuy is the spirit of young boy that died, which adds the creepy angle that any child snatched by Coco could become Coco.

In 2013, Universal Studios Hollywood also added pointy fingernails and sharp teeth to El Cucuy to be featured in one of its Halloween Horror Nights attractions.
Storyteller Joe Hayes details the traditional version of the urban legend:
“EL Cucuy is a gigantic bogeyman with a crooked back and a large, glowing red ear who is known to come “down from his cave in the mountains to carry bad children away. The word coco is used in colloquial speech to refer to the human head in Portuguese and Spanish.
Coco also means “skull”. The word “cocuruto” in Portuguese means the crown of the head and the highest place.
In Galicia, crouca means “head”, from proto-Celtic *krowkā-, with variant cróca; and either coco or coca means “head”. Many Latin American countries refer to the monster as el Cuco. In Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado, where there is a large Hispanic population, it is referred to by its anglicized name, “the Coco Man”.
“In Spain, Portugal, and Latin America (including Brazil), parents sometimes invoke the Coco as a way of discouraging their children from misbehaving; they sing lullabies or tell rhymes warning their children that if they don’t obey their parents, el Coco will come and get them and then eat their faces off.”
To understand the physical prowess of Coco, all one must do is become fully acquainted with the animal kingdom that still thrives in our world today. The frightening reality is that Coco is a demonic entity that will wear the suit of any animal the demonic spirit desires to be. Coco is a shapeshifer, just like Vlad the Impaler, the basis for Hollywood’s Dracula.
The Dragon Lizard is also known as ‘Draco Volans’ or the Flying Dragon.

They range in size, but the largest lizard of them all, the Komodo dragon, which can weigh up to 300 lbs, is a meat eater.
In fact, the biggest Komodo dragon ever recorded was 10.167 feet (3.13 meters). It had the weight of 365 pounds (165.9 kilograms).
The sailfin dragon (Hydrosaurus) is said to grow over 4 ft. in length and usually lives near streams in Indonesia and the Philippines. These lizards have distinct “dinosaurian looks” (decorated with magnificent spikes and crests). They are similar to the water dragon, which is well known in Australia.
Did late horror author, H.P. Lovecraft have a vision 99 years ago of El Coco when he wrote the classic tale about these hideous green creatures who overtook the fictional land of Sarnath?
“Through all the land of Mnar and the lands adjacent spread the tales of those who had fled from Sarnath, and caravans sought that accursed city and its precious metals no more. It was long ere any traveller went thither, and even then only the brave and adventurous young men of distant Falona dared make the journey; adventurous young men of yellow hair and blue eyes, who are no kin to the men of Mnar. These men indeed went to the lake to view Sarnath; but though they found the vast still lake itself, and the grey rock Akurion which rears high above it near the shore, they beheld not the wonder of the world and pride of all mankind. Where once had risen walls of 300 cubits and towers yet higher, now stretched only the marshy shore, and where once had dwelt fifty millions of men now crawled only the detestable green water-lizard. Not even the mines of precious metal remained, for DOOM had come to Sarnath.”