In the history of pro wrestling, there are many great names at the top. Perhaps the most well-known and outright respected is a man that was a two-time world champion, having been crowned as a one-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and a one-time World Heavyweight Champion in WWE.
Under the nicknames The (Canadian) Crippler and The Rabid Wolverine, late Canadian wrestler Chris Benoit held thirty championships between WWF/WWE, WCW, NJPW, ECW and Stampede.
The shocking part of the story is that Chris Benoit was booked to win a third world championship at a ECW (also owned by McMahon) event on the night of his death.
Looking at Chris Benoit‘s Wikipedia page, some interesting things begin to appear right away thanks to a YouTube channel operated by Derek Tikkuri who is the one that made the startling revelation.
By way of his digging deeper with Gematria, which is a tool used to examine the occult aspect of the crime, it clearly appears a covert ritual sacrifice murder was carried out on the late wrestling legend and his family members.

“A WWE employee made an edit in Chris Benoit‘s Wikipedia stating his wife Nancy died before it was announced in the news, the location of the edit was WWE Headquarters at 12:01am.”
The Synagogue of Satan” in Gematria (Jewish) is 1201. And the English Ordinal is 223. Reverse 223 and what do you get?
322 = Skull N Bones

Like the evil cabal run mainstream news media does in all of these high-profile ritual slayings, they blamed Benoit’s mental health (due to abuse of steroids, also termed “roid rage” – and suffering dementia) thus framing him for the double killings, and saying he committed suicide.

The trouble with the narrative being sold is that Chris Benoit was indeed set to battle for the World Championship title again at the time of his death, but what I learned is that WWE Owner Vince McMahon did not want Benoit to be champion.
Believe it or not, McMahon is known to have a T-Rex dinosaur SKULL on the wall of his office. At one point, McMahon tweeted out a photo of the fossil and wrote about how the skull symbolizes his appetite!

Worth billions of dollars, McMahon claims that his son-in-law Triple H bought the skull for him.
I think it’s time Mr. McMahon answer some questions with a lie detector machine and see if he is telling the truth or not. Why would he be so callous in his actions if he was not part of some secret plan to carry out this mafia like triple killing?

A YouTube numerology expert named Dustin Nunn also believes a cover up is going on in the case:
“The Benoit case needs to be reopened, re-investigated, re-declared a triple murder and be re-closed. The Fayette County police are lazy good-for-nothing cops who closed the case way too quickly. We wrestling fans, wrestlers and doctors alike can speculate what we think happened all we want, but we will never know what really happened on that horrible 3-day weekend.”

While Mr. Nunn makes a good point he is wrong about us never knowing what really happened. This 3 part report is going to analyze my top two primary suspects, Vince McMahon and wrestler Kevin Sullivan. Chris Benoit’s wife Nancy had dated Sullivan. So in part 2 of this report I will examine his potential involvement, as part of a revenge plot against Mr. Benoit.
Somewhere between 1982-1987 Kevin adopted a “Prince of Darkness” gimmick during this point in time, using the persona of an occultist and cult leader who would invoke the powers of dark demonic spirits in different promos and matches. This crazy ‘gimmick’ of Sullivan’s was apparently inspired by the then-ongoing Satanic panic, starring Michael Aquino, former green beret in Vietnam, center of the Franklin Incident and Presidio daycare scandals. I also named him as the true identity of the Zodiac Killer in 2019. He has since gone into hiding and faked his death. This was also covererd up the Illuminati controlled mainstream news media, including the major scandal connected to Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington called #Pizzagate in Washington DC, where a purported hoax video called FRAZZLEDRIP ( video that was taken down from my YouTube channel after getting 16,000 views and subsequently led to my channel being shutdown with no strikes obtained several months back) exposed Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin ritually killing a 10 year old girl. The video I posted for that has since been taken down, but I can show you a link right HERE to shocking testimony that the mafia an arm of the Illuminati is definitely involved in human trafficking and the abduction of Natalee Holloway.
Holloway was abducted by the elite’s ring on May 30, 2005, near the end of a high school graduation trip to Aruba in the Caribbean. The testimony given at this point backs up my assertion that an ancient satanic secret society, which is also home to high-ranking mafia members and NWO government operatives are behind all of these crimes that are being covered up.
Bombshell report by Randy Rocket Cody #TheMetalDen #ZodiacKiller #Zodiac read:
— Titus Frost 🏴☠️👻 (@ImperatorTruth) September 19, 2019
Like the Benoit’s I believe Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were ritually murdered and staged to look like a suicide.
So, if there is foul play being covered up in those cases then certainly it can be going on in the Benoit matter too, understand?
Chester Bennington, LAPD and 2 Black Books
— Titus Frost 🏴☠️👻 (@ImperatorTruth) March 15, 2019
The fact that nobody questioned Vince McMahon who is the company owner for who Mr. Benoit was employed by, is very telling and points to the police being part of the cover up, just like in the other high profile satanic cases. I think that an independent investigator needs to also find out from Mr. McMahon who was the person that made the edit of Nancy Benoit being dead before anyone else knew about it in Mr. Benoit’s Wikipedia page?

Esquire magazine describes the horrific crime scene:
“By June 25, 2007, Benoit had missed a number of events scheduled to take place over the weekend prior. The WWE requested a welfare check on the then 40-year-old Benoit. Upon arriving at his Georgia home, authorities found Benoit’s wife, Nancy, wrapped in a towel. She had died from asphyxiation. Their son was also found, also dead, apparently strangled. Benoit placed a Bible next to each of their bodies. The scene where authorities discovered Benoit’s body was most haunting; the wrestler was hanged on a lat pulldown machine, with a Bible lying on the weight machine beside him. There were also allegedly 10 empty beer cans and an empty bottle of wine. Authorities determined that the murders and suicide were committed over the course of three days.”
The murders committed by Chris Benoit took three days? Does make sense to anyone? If you are going to do something like this it will happen fairly quickly. It would not be dragged out. Three is part of the mockery also, it represents the Holy Trinity. The bible was placed near Mr. Benoit’s corpse. Do you see a running theme here? These are all earmarks of a sanctioned Illuminati hit.
However, if the killings were dragged out there is potential for foul play more than ever. That is why a full forensic investigation needs to be conducted on behalf of the deceased. In this three-part report I will dive deeper into the abyss of the satanic Illuminati’s twisted agenda to sanction the killings of these three innocent human beings. The writing is on the wall as they say. This is one of the those dream cases to get to work on, and I believe I have Vince McMahon dead to rights.

As the story goes, the Benoit family purchased their suburban Atlanta dream Mansion about a year before the incident. They were living a dream life by all accounts, and I didn’t find any past incidents of Chris attacking his family before. He loved them very much and was fully dedicated to being a good man, and the most famous pro wrestler in the world.

The story line for WWE on June 25, 2007 in Corpus Christi, Texas, in owner Vince McMahon’s own words: “Was meant to be the alleged demise of my character Mr. McMahon, however in reality Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and son Daniel are dead…”

As wrestling fans will recall:
On the June 11th, 2007 episode of Monday Night RAW, Vince McMahon entered his limousine outside of the arena before it exploded. This will forever be known as the Vince McMahon death storyline where the Mr. McMahon character was supposed to be killed off.
All along, McMahon was pulling the strings like a puppet master hellbent on destruction. Not his own of course, but Chris Benoit and the late wrestling great’s loved ones.

Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) wrestler Tommy Dreamer claims that WWE funded Paul Heyman’s ECW creation since day 1, even though it appeared, at times, that ECW was competing with Vince McMahon’s WWE during 1990s, and the infamous Monday Night Wars between WWE and WCW.
Nothing is as it seems, especially when it comes to who calls the shots at the top of the ladder, and apparently Mr. McMahon, a very shrewd businessman was mocking everyone with his antics, including when Chris and his family died.
There is disinformation stories out out characterizing Chris as suffering CTE:
“It’s called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Benoit’s father resisted the idea at first, but when so many bad things were being said about his son, he agreed to let them do their study. They found extensive damage to Chris’s brain, likely caused by all the hits to the back of the head with things like chairs, ladders, and cables during his wrestling career. He’d probably suffered from untreated concussions over the course of his lifetime. When the toxicology report was released, and steroids were found to be in his system, speculation arose about the possibility of “roid rage” occurring and causing him to snap. Unfortunately, there can be no decisive, clear-cut proof about what actually caused this tragedy.”
The Illuminati who controls the mainstream news media is cunning at using publicity to keep their agenda going, and to sway the narrative in their favor. The best BS salesman in the game is Vince McMahon.
“I don’t give a damn what the fans think cause, quite frankly, I know what the fans want better than they do.” – Vince McMahon
Strangely, McMahon reappeared on an ECW broadcast on June 26, 2007 to add more confusion to the cover up by making a bizarre statement that shifted to one of blame against Chris Benoit, after his death purportedly turned into a double murder suicide.
According to Inside Pro Wrestling:
After more details about the deaths of Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit were revealed, Vince McMahon made a statement before ECW’s June 26 episode. This also marks the very last time Chris Benoit was directly mentioned on any WWE televised show.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Last night on Monday Night Raw, the WWE presented a special tribute show, recognizing the career of Chris Benoit. However, now some 26 hours later, the facts of this horrific tragedy are now apparent. Therefore, other than my comments, there will be no mention of Mr. Benoit’s name tonight. On the contrary, tonight’s show will be dedicated to everyone who has been affected by this terrible incident. This evening marks the first step of the healing process. Tonight, WWE performers will do what they do better than anyone else in the world: entertain you.”
The only problem with this is that there was not enough time for a toxicology to be carried out on the bodies of the victims, including Mr. Benoit, to even be able to pass judgment on the dead man and his departed loving wife and son. They could have been injected with something to subdue them during the attack. I feel this was all part of McMahon’s sinister plot to rub his power in everyone’s faces by eliminating Chris once and for all. It is my belief that Mr. McMahon had stepped down from an everyday role with the company due to feeling the heat over this subject online, although he did return to his full time CEO role again recently.
The length of time in between when the freemasons were started and the Benoit murders took place was 290 years. 2 x 9 = 18: 666 the Mark of the Beast.

More shocking details will be revealed next in part 2 that are going to blow your mind.
"Rocket Cody is a Metal Head and a prominent researcher of the occult, secret societies, and ritual sacrifices of Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell." @rocketmetalden @TheMetalDen
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) February 2, 2021
For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out: