‘When evil men destroy, good men must build and bind.’ – Anas Aremeyaw Anas I want to take a moment and acknowledge the 2018 passing of my legendary Venice High School journalism teacher Mr. Rotman also known as “Bud”. He passed away July 7th in Idaho at the age of 90. Without his belief in me as a young […]
Rest In Peace, Bud Rotman!
LADY GAGA Is Recording Music With METALLICA?
Gaga fans are going nuts. What is the fuss all about now? Did Bradley Cooper call her the ‘C’ word or something? No, it’s even worse than that. A METALLICA forum member posted the above recent photo of Lady Gaga and a mystery person believed to be Lars Ulrich standing outside an L.A. recording studio. Last October it was widely […]
KRAMPUS: The Xmas Devil Who Eats Kids!
Every year, millions of Americans celebrate the Christmas holiday on December 25th, joyfully ripping open presents on that morning bestowed upon them by loved ones. What most of these people don’t realize is that Xmas is just a diversion used on Christians to take their attention off a much more darker annual long held Pagan undertaking of pure evil under […]
A Small Town Celebrated The Death Of George H.W. Bush?
Recently, former U.S. President and ex-head of the CIA, George H.W. Bush, passed away at the age of 94. Having served the public in some form or another for multiple decades, the longtime Texas political beast certainly gained a few detractors along the way. A small town in Texas decided to take it one step further and throw an all […]
JOHNNY DEPP – Is He Battling Adrenochrome Induced Schizophrenia?
Johnny Depp, the former heartthrob appears to not be himself in recent photos that appeared online. He looks extremely gaunt and rumors are making the rounds that he is at times lost off in the corner mumbling to himself like someone who has totally gone insane. In one of his most famous Hollywood roles, during the 90s, Depp portrayed his […]