In my previous reporting, I exposed for the very first time the truth behind the Zodiac killings. It began with revealing that Michael Aquino was never questioned in the case. Despite the fact that I found out he was allowed military leave during the Vietnam war to come back to California to attend a Church of Satan meeting in San Francisco at the Black House, all during the time the Zodiac killings took place in the same exact area of California. Aquino would eventually established his own church called “Temple of Set.”

The Zodiac Signs were originally instituted by Adam, Seth and Enoch before the Flood. Their meaning was transmitted to Noah who preserved it, according to the Enoch and Hermetic literature, on an Emerald Prism, left hidden in Egypt.

The Egyptians called Adam’s son, Seth “Agathodaimon.”

 In Egypt, Agathodaimon was equated with Osiris and Osiris was believed to be represented in the Zodiac by the sign of Taurus. The Hermetic literature states that Agathodaimon is the Biblical patriarch, Seth.

Agathodaimon was also identified with Zeus and is usually depicted as a serpent.

 I learned that Zeus is the secret identity of Satan. Himmler and Hitler’s Third Reich specifically had the Throne of Zeus excavated in 1930 ancient ruins and brought back to Germany.

Temple of Set + Michael Aquino = the Zodiac Killer!

 It was my groundbreaking reporting in 2017 that connected the mysterious deaths of late rock stars Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington to elites by way of the freemason ‘death cult’ network producing morbid “snuff films” that feature helpless abducted children… produced by the man I believe is the true identity of the uncaught serial killer.

Michael Aquino

The mysterious man in black originated the name “Zodiac” in a series of taunting letters and cards that were sent to the local Bay Area newspapers.

The letters included four cryptograms (or ciphers). Of the four cryptograms sent, and within these ciphers, if decoded properly, was the supposed identity of the killer. Nobody has ever cracked the code... until now.

It is my determination that the killer was born from the sick and utterly depraved minds of the freemasons, who in turn are the ones who head up the National Press Club at Bohemian Grove. 

Mr. Aquino founded the Temple of Set in the mid-seventies after being a leading member of Anton LaVey’s the Church of Satan, and it is my theory that just as he received total immunity from Uncle Sam for the Presidio Daycare Scandal and his horrific crimes against humanity during Vietnam, he was also covered up at the true identity of the Zodiac Killer. No doubt he places himself in the same region of where the crimes took place, after having attended high school in Santa Barbara, California.

Watch Video: Did Michael Aquino play a role in the Zodiac killings?

Occult investigator Max Spiers was found dead on a sofa in Poland in 2016 on my birthday July 16 after allegedly vomiting a mysterious black fluid shortly after he had uncovered evidence of an elite pedophile ring that connected Michael Aquino, the same PEDOGATE ring I believe is responsible for murdering late rock stars Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington.

According to online occult researcher, Titus Frost, I am the only journalist who forensically proved both Chris and Chester were murdered, by way of my “latch theory”, where I proved that Detroit PD covered up all of the true forensic evidence.

Paul Bonacci is the young man who said under oath that Aquino was the man behind the child abductions, including the never solved disappearance of newspaper boy Johnny Gosch.

My reports covering #Pizzagate tied MOSSAD agents Martin Kirsten & the late Jeffrey Epstein to a Vatican/Washington DC backed ELITE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING RING. Murdered rockers Chris Cornell & Chester Bennington planned to expose it.

According to Max Spiers’ mother, Vanessa Bates, she claimed a number of people wanted her son dead due to the fact that he was getting “too close to the truth” and was about to expose a massive political pedophile ring that would have sent shockwaves through the establishment.

Just days before his death, Max texted the following mysterious message to his mother:

“If anything happens to me, investigate.”

In the shocking video posted by TrueBlood channel, the truther supports my bold theory that Aquino was mocking us with his Z340 cipher sent to police in 1969, which was finally cracked by experts.

He says :

“You need to see him with new eyes as the deceiver and adversary of the human race, responsible for all the suffering in the world originally created as a paradise. This is why the 340 cipher says “paradise”—it is making a pun. What is the opposite of paradise? Hell. With the 340 cipher now being solved, the FBI has basically said they do not want the public to get involved, nor do they want any crowd-solving investigations. You need to understand that by the time Ramses II came along, during the 18th Dynasty, Set was associated with disorder, famine, destruction, pestilence, waste, hunger, foreign invasion, and foreign influence. If you start to look at the 340 cipher with brand new eyes and compare it with a certain map that the Zodiac put out, you will see where I am going. I believe that in the Sonoma County property owned by Michael Aquino’s mother, you will find human remains.”

January 19, 1998 – San Francisco, California, United States: This black house on California Street is known as the Satan house, the Church of Satan formerly run by Anton LaVey. Born Howard Stanton Levey on April 11, 1930, he died on Oct. 29, 1997. He was the author of The Satanic Bible. (Deanne Fitzmaurice / San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris)

Here is what the cracked code reads:


According to High Priest Don Webb:

“The Temple of Set is an “initiatory” organization, meaning they have several degrees of membership, from I to VI. First degree (new) members are given the Crystal Tablet of Set, which contains their beliefs. The Temple of Set places emphasis on the concept of “Xeper” (an Egyptian-derived word) roughly meaning willed self-evolution. “The Book of Coming Forth by Night, the Setian revelation to Aquino in 1975 that prompted him to start the Temple of Set. The history of the Temple of Set is necessarily, in part, a history of the Church of Satan, the organization from which the Temple evolved. The Church of Satan has its own roots in the magical tradition that sprang from early Masonry, later Rosicrucianism, the Knights Templar, and Aleister Crowley’s Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.” 

Who Is Michael Aquino & What’s He Got To Do With Q?

This Randy “Rocket” Cody website even alleges that Aquino is “The Zodiac Killer”.

 Cody says,

“The Figure In Black” has a real name. It is Michael Aquino. As the story goes, a Satan thumping Vietnam veteran and MK Ultra programmer for the CIA was the person who was in charge of not only the “The Finders” but also terrorized kids at his home with the help of his wife, Lilith Aquino, while operating his own demonic church called The Temple of Set.”

“He [Aquino] is able to control the resources of the NSA which includes but is not limited to phone and email tapping’s, computer monitoring, satellite surveillance and may have control over newer resources such as ELF wave and electromagnetic brain manipulation.

Occult investigator Max Spiers was found dead on a sofa in Poland in 2016 on my birthday July 16th after allegedly vomiting a mysterious black fluid shortly after he had uncovered evidence of an elite pedophile ring that connected Michael Aquino, the same #PizzaGate ring I believe is responsible for murdering late rock stars Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. According to online occult researcher, Titus Frost, I am the only journalist who forensically proved both Chris and Chester were murdered, by way of my “latch theory”, where I proved that Detroit PD covered up all of the true forensic evidence.

Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington & The Grand Climax

I make my compelling case by way of Michael Aquino’s obvious connections to the Zodiac murders, particularly his presence in the Bay Area at the time, his military intelligence background, and his Satanic/occult affiliations. The fact that Aquino was never officially questioned despite possible links to victims raises serious red flags about potential cover-ups or deliberate avoidance of certain suspects.

Consecrated by the Prince of Darkness, in his image as Wotan Helljäger of the One Eye, the Order of the Trapezoid is a chivalric order of knighthood within the Temple of Set. Its members are adept black magicians who have sworn fealty beyond death to the spirit of their fylgja, or guiding shadow self. These knights are dedicated to the quest for the Grail by seeking the angular mysteries of the Trapezoid, partaking of the Black Flame, and achieving a highly dynamic state of development known as Walhalla.

The Order of the Trapezoid has many areas focus and experimentation, ranging from the esoteric traditions of Northern Europe, to mad lab experiments and the martial arts, and to neo-mythology and mathematics as gateways to altered states and higher dimensions. 

I captured the world’s attention with my groundbreaking investigative reports, ranking me within the Top 1% of ‘Digital Creators’ worldwide and my posts on Facebook alone amassed over 304 million impressions the past 2 years. I was even paid monthly during that entire period by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta bonus program for being one of the most famous influencers.

Key Points of Randy “Rocket” Cody’s Theory:

  1. Aquino’s Presence in the Bay Area (Late 1960s – 1970s)
    • He was stationed in California during the Zodiac Killer’s active period.
    • Had access to military cryptography, psychological warfare tactics, and classified technology.
  2. Possible Links to Zodiac Victims
    • Darlene Ferrin (Zodiac victim) reportedly had Satanic materials in her home.
    • She lived in the same building as Paul Stine, another Zodiac victim.
    • If Ferrin was associated with Aquino’s Church of Satan (before he split to form the Temple of Set), this could indicate a connection between victims beyond mere coincidence.
  3. Aquino’s Deep Occult Involvement
    • Church of Satan (1969-1975): Was a high-ranking member under Anton LaVey before founding his own Temple of Set.
    • Order of the Trapezoid (1982): Used occult geometric symbolism (which may match Zodiac crime scenes or victim positioning).
    • Occult Rituals & Symbolism: The Masonic and Trapezoidal shapes appearing in certain crimes (e.g., Arliss Perry’s murder) could be ritualistic in nature.
  4. High-Level Military Clearance & MKUltra Involvement
    • NSA and Army Intelligence ties: Aquino had Top Secret clearance and access to military-grade cryptographic systems.
    • MKUltra & Psychological Warfare: Worked in mind control and psyops, potentially explaining Zodiac’s manipulation of the public, media, and police.
    • If Aquino was protected by the government, authorities may have avoided investigating him, despite circumstantial connections.
  5. Suspicious Lack of Investigation
    • Aquino was never officially questioned despite his location, background, and possible victim connections.
    • If he was a government asset, he may have been shielded from scrutiny.
    • Media disinformation could have been used to divert attention from Aquino’s possible involvement.
  6. The Ritual Murder of Arliss Perry – Trapezoid

Potential Implications:

  • If Aquino was involved in Zodiac’s crimes, it could indicate a covert intelligence operation, possibly linked to psychological warfare experiments (MKUltra, ritualistic terror, mind control).
  • The government, local police, and media may have deliberately ignored his connection to avoid exposing larger secret programs.
  • Satanic elements in the Zodiac killings (and possibly Arliss Perry’s murder) could point to an esoteric or occult motivation.

Michael Aquino’s connection to the occult, psychological warfare, and high-level intelligence operations definitely makes him a figure of significant intrigue, especially when considering his rituals, the Temple of Set, and his possible role in larger sinister agendas, such as the Manson Murders!

Aquino’s “Direct Contact” with Set & Satanic Allegations

  1. The Ritual of Set (1975)
    • After leaving Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, Aquino performed a ritual in Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (a known SS occult site).
    • During this ritual of invocation, Aquino claimed that the ancient deity Set appeared and commanded him to form the Temple of Set.
    • Many believe Set = Satan, or at the very least, an entity connected to dark esoteric forces.
  2. The Temple of Set & Occultism
    • Unlike LaVey’s atheistic, materialistic Satanism, Aquino’s belief in Set involved real supernatural forces.
    • The Temple of Set incorporates:
      • Black magic
      • Egyptian deities & rituals
      • Mind control & initiation into higher “Left-Hand Path” knowledge
    • Some researchers believe the Temple of Set is more than just a religion—potentially a front for intelligence operations, psychological experiments, or even ritual crime networks.
  3. Aquino as a “Genetic Overcoat” for Satan
    • This is a powerful assertion—that Aquino might not just be a practitioner but an incarnation or host of a demonic force.
    • If Set (or Satan) chose Aquino as his vessel, this could explain:
      • His extraordinary rise to power in the military.
      • His ability to evade legal consequences despite numerous allegations.
      • His uncanny influence over occult circles, intelligence agencies, and even the media.

How This Ties to Zodiac, Rituals, and Government Cover-Ups

  • If Aquino was channeling demonic forces, then his rituals and influence could extend into real-world terror events, including:
    • The Zodiac murders
    • Arliss Perry’s murder
    • Other Possible MKUltra-linked killings
    • Manson Family Murders
  • The Zodiac letters, with their cryptographic messages and occult symbols, could be part of a greater psychological operation meant to instill fear and feed off the energy of chaos and death.
  • If Aquino was a government-protected asset, then his dark mission may have had state backing.

October 12, 1974 – 9 months after the phone call from “Zodiac” saying a body would be found in a church – the body of Arlis Perry is found inside the Stanford Memorial Church.

Mr. Aquino is said to be a cross dresser who is actually an evil entity posing as a human and he can assume whatever form he wants at will. During his time in Vietnam, he was purportedly part of the covert rogue killing force called Operation Phoenix, which committed thousands of human atrocities and went unpunished. They would capture civilians from the enemy side and do torture/mutilation to the bodies to try and attain secrets about the enemy until they finally died.

“Rape using eels, snakes… followed by electric shock,
attaching wires to genitals or other parts of body, like
the tongue.”

– testimony related to crimes against humanity done
by “The Figure In Black.”

In the shocking case of Arliss Perry, she was also badly mutilated.

As the story goes:

On or around January 12, 1974, a caller claiming to be “Zodiac” says a body will be found in a church. Apparently, this was in reference to Daly City and/or San Mateo County.

On January 29, 1974, the Zodiac “Exorcist” letter is mailed, thought to be mailed from San Mateo County.

October 12, 1974 – 9 months after the phone call from “Zodiac” saying a body would be found in a church – the body of Arlis Perry is found inside the Stanford Memorial Church. Perry was killed by an icepick to the back of the head. The body was posed obscenely with a candle inserted in her vagina. In the film “The Exorcist” the girl inserts a crucifix in her vagina while controlled by the demon.

The young woman’s pants were situated as to mimic a demonic symbol that sent a sign to their legion of devil worshipers across the country who was in total control.

Oct. 30-31, 1974, Halloween Holiday Period: Temporary headstone of Arlis Perry is stolen from gravesite in Bismarck North Dakota.

In the book “The Ultimate Evil” the Son of Sam David Berkowitz claims a satanic network links his cases, the Manson cases and the Perry murder. 

For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out:

ULTIMATE EVIL: The Zodiac, A ’74 Murder & The Figure In Black