I learned recently during work I was doing on my Ancestry family tree that my 10th Great Grandfather was a man named John Howland, who was one of 102 Mayflower passengers in 1620 who arrived in the New World to begin colonizing once he and the other passengers landed on Plymouth Rock. John and Elizabeth Howland founded one of the three largest Mayflower families and their descendants have been “associated largely with both the ‘Boston Brahmins’ and Harvard’s ‘intellectual aristocracy’ of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.”

American actors Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957), Anthony Perkins (1932-1992), and Alec Baldwin (b. 1958) are counted among Howland’s descendants, as well as former President Richard Nixon, which I found particularly fascinating since my 2nd cousin Walter Annenberg served under him in the White House and is the only American diplomat to be Knighted by the Queen of England.

I was doing more research into his background, when I soon discovered a story that I became intrigued by right away.

It’s the unsolved mystery behind the first American settlers who arrived roughly 33 years before.

The tale of America’s Lost Colony, also known as the Roanoke Colony, is one of the most enduring mysteries in early American history. In 1587, a group of 117 English settlers, including men, women, and children, established a colony on Roanoke Island, off the coast of present-day North Carolina. By 1590, when Governor John White returned from a supply trip to England, the colony had vanished without a trace.

The only clue was the word “Croatoan” carved into a tree. Various theories have been proposed to explain the disappearance, ranging from a massacre by local Native American tribes to more sinister explanations, including the involvement of a werewolf clan, also known as Skinwalkers or
Dog Man.

My theory is that what if the Indians themselves through witchcraft transformed themselves into these paranormal creatures to kill America’s first permanent settlers?

This Lost Colony story is so popular was featured in an episode during the 6th season of American Horror Story.

This History Channel on YouTube two months ago posted an in-depth report on the legendary case, and posed many theories about what could have happened to these American settlers, which included the very first English child born in America, 1 week old Virginia Dare.

Is there a cover up going on in this matter, like so many others? I believe the answer is YES! Amateur archaeologists in 2007 found what appeared to be the remnants of an old boat found in the swamp area where these settlers were last known to have been located, yet authorities would not allow any DNA testing to be done.

The wildlife service refused to let the group probe the ground, dig for clues, or even take a wood sample for carbon dating, due to lack of a required permit of all things. 117 missing Americans and nobody really sems to want the truth about their demise to be revealed.

The Historical Background

Roanoke Colony was established under the auspices of Sir Walter Raleigh and aimed to be the first permanent English settlement in the New World. The initial attempts were fraught with difficulties, including hostile relations with indigenous tribes, scarcity of supplies, and harsh living conditions. Governor John White’s return to England for supplies was delayed by the Anglo-Spanish War, and it was three years before he could make his way back to Roanoke Island.

Upon his return in 1590, White found the settlement abandoned. Buildings were dismantled, and there were no signs of struggle or battle. The cryptic “Croatoan” carving hinted that the colonists might have moved to Croatoan Island (now Hatteras Island), but a thorough search yielded no concrete evidence.

The Werewolf/Skinwalker Conspiracy

The idea that a clan of Skinwalkers, a type of werewolf, was responsible for the disappearance of the Roanoke settlers is a modern conspiracy theory that has gained traction in recent years. Skinwalkers are a part of Navajo mythology and are believed to be witches who can transform into animals, including wolves. They are often associated with malevolent and supernatural activities.

The Basis of the Theory

1. Supernatural Abilities: Skinwalkers are believed to have the ability to shapeshift, possess superhuman strength, and have mind-control capabilities. This could theoretically explain why there were no signs of struggle or evidence left behind by the colonists.

2. Local Folklore: There are records of local Native American tribes in the area who had legends of mysterious creatures and shapeshifters. This folklore has been conflated with the disappearance of the colonists, suggesting that they might have fallen prey to these supernatural beings.

3. Mysterious Disappearances: The complete lack of physical evidence regarding the fate of the Roanoke colonists adds an aura of mystery that aligns well with the idea of a supernatural cause. The absence of bodies, artifacts, or any definitive sign of what happened lends itself to fantastical explanations.

4. Cultural Influence: Popular culture, including books, TV shows, and movies, has perpetuated and expanded on the idea of Skinwalkers, merging it with other colonial myths and mysteries. This has helped the theory gain a foothold in the public imagination.

The Lost Colony is said to have chosen the Great Dismal Swamp region to settle, and through my extensive research I learned that sighting of bi pedal werewolf type creatures has been spotted in this same location not only in modern times, but also, I have witness accounts dating back to 1901, believe it or not.

My theory contends that these demonic Indian shapeshifters are most likely the ones behind the missing Lost Colony.

A man named David and his wife Lisa went on a TV program called “These Woods Are Haunted” to give their first-hand accounts of their run in with a large bi pedal werewolf creatures spotted at night while camping in the Roanoke swamp area. David even shot one of the beasts with his .357 Magnum handgun and says it did “nothing” to the creature.

The Yee Naaldlooshii is the Navajo word for werewolf; though the Navajo werewolves are actually referred to as “skin-walkers”, which is a term popularized by various films.

Yee Naaldlooshii means literally, “with it, he goes on all fours”, in Navajo language. 

According to Werewolf.com site:

The witches in the Navajo culture are malignant figures, such as they would be in the Christian or Jewish theology. In order to become a Skinwalker, one must first be initiated into the Witchery Way, –killing a relative, or sibling, incest, or necrophilia are particularly common initiations.

After initiation into the Witchery Way, in Navajo the “án’t’i;i;zhi”, or Corpse-poison Way. Corpse Poison is literal, –it’s powdered corpse, particularly from the fingertips, back of the skull. The preferred source of corpse poison is dead children, especially twins. The witch people become skinwalkers in order to deliver the án’t’i;, –the corpse poison, in secret to the “witch sing”, taking place in a secluded area called the “án’t’i;báhoolan”. The witch’s sing is the opposite of a good sing, –the Navajo gather to sing, paint, and pray to the spirits for blessings, good crops, good hunting, safe families, etc., –the witch’s sing calls for the opposite. At the witch sing, the witch people paint with ash instead of sand. Contrary to popular media representation, the skinwalkers are a malevolent force, there are no ‘good guy skinwalkers’.”

Long before Christopher Columbus stepped foot on what would come to be known as the Americas in 1492, I learned that the expansive territory was inhabited by Native Americans.

Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, as more explorers sought to colonize their land, Native Americans responded in mostly violent ways to remove anyone they did not want there, understand? So, there is plenty of basis for my theory which purports these missing Americans were devoured alive by werewolves.

The first recorded report came on March 20th, 1901. It was in an edition of the Richmond Dispatch, which reads:

‘The strange Dismal Swamp monster, which one day this week killed seven of Ed Smith’s dogs, ate two of them, and later attacked Mr Smith himself, has been seen again… last night, L Frank Ames, a merchant… saw the same thing and suffered from its ravages. Hearing a strange noise, Mr Ames went out with a pistol. He thought at first it was a strange dog. When he learned it was the much-sought monster Mr Ames shot several times, but without effect. The thing growled savagely. Being sent after it, six dogs refused to have conflict and fled in terror. They could not be induced to make an attack. The unknown animal escaped without being harmed. Afterwards, it appeared at the home of Henry Jordan… and sat defiantly on a covered wall. The description is like the one furnished by Mr Smith – a large, gaunt form, log yellow hair and vicious eyes.’

The creatures are indeed real and based off these first-hand eyewitnesses these werewolves are hunters of humans and domesticated pets… all around America today.

“I will tell you that close to where I live, maybe two counties over it turns into uninhabited forests and foothills. This is in Georgia. There has been a rumor for many years of this woman that lived in these dense foothills. She was said to be a witch or some sort of shape shifter. She was mostly known for being a werewolf, but also took the form of a black panther.” – Anonymous

The dark history of The Dismal Swamp makes it very hard to debunk this as a myth or a hoax:

‘Another monster has come forth from the dismal swamp jungles, and is spreading alarm among farmers… last week an unclassified animal not indigenous to high lands terrorised residents… so that they were afraid to leave home at night. After being chased by numerous armed posses this beast was killed by Harrison Walker… now Edward Smith… says that a strange being visited his premises and killed seven dogs, two of which were eaten, while the other five were mutilated. Another dog took refuge under a barn, and Smith, hearing the dog’s yells, went out with a pistol.

The monster sprang upon him. Smith fell, and the beast tore his clothing to shreds. He finally beat it off, but the revolver, being corroded, would not fire. Whit Walker, of the same neighbourhood, says the animal visited his home, too. From Smith’s description, the animal is larger than a wolf, with shaggy, yellow hair, a long head and sunken eyes. It is gaunt and vicious. People are wondering what will next come from the unexplored swamp… the more superstitious regard the visitation as supernatural, and families are having much trouble with their servants.’

Read more of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting via TheMetalDen.com site, the world’s most famous heavy metal news and occult reporting webzine in the world today.