(Part 1 of a 3 part report)
Harvest Of Grains.. Tis The Season To Kill Our Loved Ones For Satan!
You could also call this Super Soul Sucker because the Vampires of Hollywood at are it again. This past Turkey day, the one and only Oprah Winfrey, you know the talk show host who is worth billions, purportedly lost her 83 year old mother on Thanksgiving. What they failed to inform all of us about is that this poor woman looks to have been offered up by her own daughter as a sacrifice for the legion.
Killing Is Our Business & Business Is Good!
Did you know that Thanksgiving originates from a Pagan Harvest festival in medieval times called ‘Lammas’? Maybe you will think twice about hanging around your family with sharp knives around the turkey!!
According to an online expert in the occult connection between Thanksgiving and Paganism, murdering someone of direct relation to you is of utmost importance to the coven. As the story goes, “August 1st is celebrated by neopagans as Lughnasadh or Lammas, the first of three harvest festivals consisting of Lammas (grain harvest), Mabon (harvest of fruits at the Autumn Equinox), and Samhain (last harvest, and as harvest of souls, the root of Halloween).”
Harvest of Grain has always been associated with Gods who are killed and dismembered then resurrected from the underworld by Goddess/Gods like Tammuz, Osiris and Adonis.
“People find great value in observing neopagan festivals because they go to loving lengths to reunite the visible and the invisible, the changing faces of the seasons with the changing forms of the Divine.”
A God named Lugh is also tied to the history of the sacrificial offering I learned.
“Lughnasadh celebrates the solar god as both warrior-king and sacrifice. He provides for his people (as the sun brings crops to fruition), and sacrifices his life for them (as the grain is cut and harvested). By now the days have noticeably shortened from their maximum length at the summer solstice, though we feel the heat and power of the sun more than ever.”
“In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present freshly harvested wheat to their landlords on or before the first day of August. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, where it is referred to regularly, it is called “the feast of first fruits”. The blessing of new fruits was performed annually in both the Eastern and Western Churches on the first, or the sixth, of August. Lammastide was also the traditional time of year for craft festivals. The medieval guilds would create elaborate displays of their wares, decorating their shops and themselves in bright colors and ribbons, marching in parades, and performing strange, ceremonial plays and dances for the entranced onlookers. “
In Christian communities, the celebration of harvest has shifted to the end of the harvest gathering rather than the beginning, and therefore toward September.”
According to another expert, the Satanic Brits, whose population is said to be at 80% for worshiping the Devil, had their hand in the tradition too by way of throwing down for Satan in church:
“The modern British tradition of celebrating Harvest Festival in churches began in 1843, when the Reverend Robert Hawker invited parishioners to a special thanksgiving service at his church at Morwenstow in Cornwall. Victorian hymns such as “We plough the fields and scatter”, “Come ye thankful people.”
According to some historians, the first celebration of Thanksgiving in North America occurred during the 1578 voyage of Martin Frobisher from England.
This correlates why Thanksgiving was born in America, by the 13 Satanic European bloodline families of the Illuminati. Like Halloween, I learned killing relatives and eating parts of them is normal for these sickos.
Pilgrims and Puritans from England in the 1620s and 1630s carried the tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving with them to New England.
Stay tuned for part 2…coming soon!!
Wow I whish I had half of your guts to investigate and see all these things… it’s terrible… sorry for the delay Randy, I finally could pay the propper attention to your report. I don’t want to miss a thing
BTW have u seen the Netflix series Sabrina??? It’ so Satanist I saw it till the end ’cause I couldn’t believe all the things they are showing openly are the ones you are unvailing in every report!