The concept of the New World Order (NWO) has long been associated with an overarching plan by global elites to establish a unified, centralized government. Central to this vision is the creation of a one-world religion rooted in Luciferian beliefs. The foundation for this has been systematically built over centuries through secret societies, Masonic Lodges, and a militarized hierarchical system.
In my past reporting on Jeffrey Epstein and the elite’s human trafficking/sex slavery scandal, I have confirmed that a vast underground network exists today comprised of millions of members who secretly belong to the growing satanic movement in America. Late SOUNDGARDEN frontman Chris Cornell warned all of us before he was assassinated for trying to expose the main players.
The Freemason brotherhood, which has direct ties to the Knights Templar, a rich homosexual military/religious order devoted to the quest for the Holy Grail, is made up largely of the ancestors of a lost civilization of people from Atlantis. That is who mainly belongs to these black magick cults who are into abducting kids for ritual sex/murders and cannibalism, ultimately hell bent on destroying Christianity. Blackmail is one of the most powerful tools being used against the members of this cult as I have exposed in my recent investigation into a Watergate-style break in that went down in a Brentwood office building at end of 2023.
I have already proven via my newest report about King Arthur secretly discovering the New World 900 years before Columbus, and that besides learning from doing a DNA test on Ancestry that he is my lineal great grandfather going back over thirty generations, but I, like King Arthur, belong to a magical line of long haired redheads who are the Fisher Kings of the Holy Grail.
My main purpose is not to try and tell anyone what to do, in terms of what religious beliefs they should follow. I merely want the facts laid out in the open, as best that I can make the truth, along with supporting evidence, available to my readers.
There will be the coming of the NWO whether anyone believes it or not, and Agenda 2030 also known as ‘The Great Reset’ will happen, and from this expert’s own analysis hundreds of millions will die, so this is definitely a warning the masses should heed before the time is upon us. The Depopulation strategy being instituted by the Illuminati is not some far-fetched notion. It is the main plan, along with the NWO Luciferian religion hijacking they are putting into place and hopefully this dissertation can help shed light on what is to come, but firstly, I’ll explain how this all came about. To switch an entire nation over from mostly being Christian people to demonic satanists didn’t happen overnight, right? So, I wanted to explain in full detail exactly how this takeover has happened.
The Third Reich’s Underground Continuation
Following the supposed defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, the ideology of the Third Reich did not disappear; rather, it went underground. The Nazi leadership, including Adolf Hitler, is suspected of having faked deaths and escaped through covert operations such as Operation Paperclip, in which top Nazi scientists and intelligence officers were relocated to the United States. This infiltration into Western society contributed to the shaping of post-war global policy, influencing political and military structures, including intelligence agencies such as the CIA.
The Clan of Tubal Cain and Occult Influence
The Clan of Tubal Cain, a British mystery tradition, emerged publicly in the 1960s and later spread to the United States. Originally founded by Robert Cochrane, this movement aimed to revive a hidden esoteric tradition that traced back to ancient occult teachings. With Cochrane’s death in 1966, the movement was further developed by Ann and David Finnin, who linked it to broader European mystical traditions. The Clan emphasized a Luciferian spiritual path, incorporating aspects of Traditional Witchcraft, Hermeticism, and Gnosticism.
The Ancient Keltic Church and the Integration of Paganism
Founded in 1976, the Ancient Keltic Church sought to revive the pagan mystery faith of the ancient Celtic people and incorporate it into modern society. Ann and David Finnin played a crucial role in reconstructing these traditions, blending British occult knowledge with mystical practices. The 1734 tradition, introduced by Cochrane, provided a framework for the modern adaptation of this ancient faith, linking it to hidden teachings of the Masonic and Luciferian orders.
Tubal Cain and the Luciferian Connection
Tubal Cain, referenced in biblical and occult traditions, is considered a significant figure in Luciferian lore. According to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Tubal Cain was a vessel for Azazel, the fallen angel who led the rebellion against God. Azazel is equated with Lucifer in many esoteric teachings. This tradition holds that the descendants of Cain possess the “holy blood” of Lucifer, providing them with divine knowledge.

The Role of Secret Societies
Masonic Lodges and other secret societies have played a pivotal role in advancing the agenda of the NWO. The use of ritualistic symbolism and hierarchical structures within Freemasonry aligns with the broader Luciferian doctrine. The initiation rites of these societies often include allegorical representations of death, resurrection, and enlightenment, which mirror the Gnostic concept of hidden wisdom accessible only to the initiated.
The Suppression of Christian Influence
The infiltration of Luciferian ideologies into society has coincided with efforts to diminish traditional Christian values. The widespread acceptance of occult philosophies, New Age spiritualism, and the desacralization of religious institutions serve as indicators of this transformation. The elite’s goal is to replace Christianity with a global syncretic religion that venerates Lucifer as the ultimate source of enlightenment.
The groundwork for a Luciferian one-world religion has been laid over centuries through the manipulation of historical narratives, the establishment of secret societies, and the systematic erosion of Christian traditions. The New World Order, through its deep-rooted connections to Masonic orders, occult movements, and post-World War II intelligence operations, continues to push towards a centralized global authority underpinned by Luciferian beliefs. As awareness of these hidden forces grows, so too does the resistance against their ultimate agenda.
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