This is a report that delves deeper into what I call the Saturn death cult, Lord of the Rings, and how those elite who are involved in murdering our favorite celebrities and abducted kids all associate with the color black as well as Satan(ism), and its effect on mankind, the New World Order, which begins with the priesthoods of the Silver Age and the rise of nobility, the Blue Bloods, the 13 satanic bloodlines tied to Cain. This is where secret societies formed. How this connects to Jewish Director Steven Spielberg and his alleged association to MOSSAD, the late Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia, serial murder and other horrific deeds carried out by these satanic secret societies who heavily populate Hollywood and the music biz (such as Skull N Bones, also known as the Brotherhood of Death, Royal Order of Jesters and Hellfire club), which my reporting on Jack The Ripper has previously analyzed.
Oddly enough, who did Scotland Yard initially blame for the murders of the prostitutes back in 1888?
A Jew.
Jews became a significant part of the Roman Empire’s population in the first century CE, with some estimates as high as 7 million people.
Although, in the case of Jack The Ripper, I learned it was a famed stomach surgeon that was potentially himself a Hellfire Club member worked at the Royal London Hospital and was suspiciously the first to receive the bodies, named Sir Frederick Treves. He was connected to the royal family and lived in retirement at one of the royal properties. The Hellfire caves are only one hour away by car today from the location of the Ripper murders. Famous politicians, founding fathers like Benjamin Franklin were rumored to be a member of the Hellfire Club and many skeletal remains of possible ritual murder victims were found under his house. They apparently liked to ritually kill sex workers because they looked down upon them.
“You have to be a 32nd degree Freemason go be invited to join the Mystic Shrine — you are then able to be invited to join the Royal Order of [JESTERS]”

“They become a clown…”
Royal Order Of Jesters
— Lightbringerflex – Flat Earth Is A Psyop (@LBF777) July 12, 2021
Some high level FreeMasons become Shriners and some high level Shriners become Royal Order Of Jesters.
They literally become clowns.
Franklin lived in London for nearly two decades in a house at 36 Craven Street. In 1776, Franklin returned to America. Readers will find it interesting that director Wes Craven’s name is involved in the rapes that went on with dead child actress Judith Barsi.
However, first I am going to review the death of actress Heather O’Rourke.

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle …
In 1982, Tobe Hooper’s supernatural horror movie titled Poltergeist (produced and some say co-directed by Spielberg) released in theaters all around America, and I recall vividly attending one of the showings early on, within the first week of its release, and it still haunts me to this day, now more so that such a horrible thing happened to its adorable young star.
The mainstream news media’s official version for her death, according to Terry Merryman, a spokesperson for the Children’s Hospital in San Diego revealed that “Heather died of septic shock due to congenital stenosis of the lower intestine.” Essentially, what that means in laymen’s terms is that they claim she died of a shock brought on by an infection that entered into her bloodstream.

I was not able to find an official autopsy report for Heather, but I did track down her official death certificate. in the report it also lists “acute bowel obstruction” under cause of death along with “septic shock.”
A poltergeist is a mischievous and sometimes malevolent spirit or unknown energy that is characterized by noises, moving objects, and physical disturbances. “Poltergeist” comes from the German words poltern, “to knock” and geist, “spirit.”.
It is eerie how such a promising talent as the film’s star could be taken out so young and her death covered up so convincingly by Hollywood and the mainstream news media.
I will be examining the death of twelve-year-old actress Heather O’Rourke from Poltergeist movie, as well as Judith Barsi from The Land Before Time film. Both actresses died the same year in 1988 when I was a senior in high school, and they are closely connected for many reasons I feel. They both show clear signs of satanic ritual abuse and possibly sacrificial murder.

I was actually very close with the screenwriter for the Spielberg produced animated classic on Judith’s movie and several other films at this time, including Pauly Shore’s In The Army Now, another Bluth animated movie titled A Troll In Central Park, not to mention many more unproduced scripts that I was reading like “Cinderella and the Mob”, and basically doing my own evaluation and handing my mentor and big brother in many ways back what screenwriter’s share with one another and on a production called ‘notes’ to try and make the film better before it actually gets shot. His name is Stu Krieger and we lived just a couple blocks away from each other in a nice upper middle-class suburb called Mar Vista, California. Let me first clarify that Stu had nothing to do with any of this scandal, for which I am about to divulge the darkest of secrets to the world. Stu serves as a beacon of light, because he is the one who has inspired me to be a writer. He always supported my efforts and would give me ‘notes’ and words of encouragement, when my old man and I were mostly estranged, due to his involvement with the Chicago Mob, also called The Outfit.

(Pictured above: My brother Jay with my late mom Zea in 1989 at my sister Kori’s wedding, seated in the white jacket is Stu Krieger. Notice the red-haired beard?)
My late mother Zea Cody did daycare for Stu and Hillary Krieger’s two kids Gus and Rosie, and strangely it seemed all of my mom’s clientele were successful Hollywood types. I have already told the story about getting to meet Jane Fonda in 1986 and watching her Oscar nominated performance in The Morning After (yes, Jane sat next to me) at a private screening thanks to another woman my mom babysat for. I also babysat Gus and Rosie when I was asked by Stu.

Pictured: 33rd President of the United of States Harry S. Truman receiving a life membership from the Royal Order of Jesters, who was a freemason of course…
So, I was already knee deep in the movie industry at this time as I also worked at United Artists as an usher/doorman during big premieres, such as Batman (1989) starring Jack Nicholson (now I learned to have kept a secret tunnel that went to the Playboy Mansion where Playboy Bunnies doubled as spies and lures for the ring and adrenochrome dealers at Hef’s creepy Playboy Mansion), and here I met my late friend Dirk Craft, director of Nip/Tuck, plus Antonio Sabato Jr.

We all worked on the same usher crew. Dirk and I filmed a 35-minute-long student movie together that I wrote, directed and starred in titled Midnight Rose about a prostitute who got murdered in L.A. while Dirk was getting ready to pass the DGA test and get into real movie productions like White Sands with Mickey Rourke and Alien Nation. My friend Jason Roberts who I met while attending screenwriting class at Santa Monica College worked for the late Richard Donner and we would hang out in Dick’s office together. I would just pull scripts off the shelf, and I recall reading The Flintstone’s before it was made.
— ModusDerelicti (@MDerelicti) March 25, 2023
I have learned during my world famous 2017 investigations of the deaths of late rock stars Chris Cornell of SOUNDGARDEN and Chester Bennington of LINKIN PARK that Jeffrey Epstein’s close association with with Bill and Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation all connects to Comet Pizza in Washington DC where there are underground tunnels that lead directly to the Clinton Foundation, believe it or not. The trafficking of the stolen kids goes on in secret at these tunnels and there are execution rooms located there as well. This is where these kids are being slaughtered.

The Royal Order of Jesters specialize in brainwashing through comedy and also acting like psychotic clowns who make terrorist threats. Jesters in New York were also indicted by the FBI for sex trafficking.

Prince Urbano Sciarra-Colonna-Barberini is a top authority over the Royal Order of Jesters and he also oversees a large faction of comedians in Hollywood. Prince Urbano is an Italian prince, actor, and comedian and from two ancient papal bloodlines.

I had also attained audio of a woman who said that Natalee Holloway‘s disappearance was connected to the mafia and the porn biz, as the woman making the claims was an adult film actress confirming via a statement that Holloway got sold into sex slavery and told an account about a fellow porn star who had to escape after being kidnapped.

Other Jester’s named are Prince Alexander von Furstenberg and Diane von Furstenberg.
They use a Jester on their coat of arms. Prince Alexander is a German-American financier and businessman who oversees the Freemasonic Royal Order of Jesters. Mother Diane von Furstenberg is a top overseer of the Clintons.
Report – Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List: How It Connects To Chris Cornell And Chester Bennington Being Murdered #TruthForChris #TruthForChester
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) January 4, 2024
My mother would not allow me to star in any television, films or commercials and this was devastating to me because I had been offered a role in the 1984 Chris Penn film The Wild Life, music by Eddie Van Halen. So, in the back of my head, although I was now getting more into the idea of screenwriting, it still bothered me that my mom made me turn down these movie roles and a milk commercial with Florence Henderson of The Brady Bunch. Perhaps my mother already had past bad experiences or insight as to the demonic and murderous ways of the most powerful figures in Hollywood.
Nonetheless, telling this story in full detail to the world now is very surreal, to say the least.

It is my contention that the elite’s death cult which worships Saturn (Satan) are the ones behind the abducted kids who are never seen again and most specifically, these two beloved child actresses’ brutal deaths.
In ancient times, Saturn was worshipped by the Romans who loved anything Greek, because they were regarded as well-cultured. The Roman built the temple of Saturn that was located in Rome. Portions of the temple still stand today. The Romans believed that if they did ritual sacrifice, which involves killing of children, the offering would bring favor onto them with their gods.
WOW!!! This is an absolute masterpiece!!!
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) August 5, 2021
Report: Brandon Lee, The Crow & Ritual Sacrifice (Part 3) @rocketmetalden #TheCrow #RitualMurder #Satan
This dissertation will take readers deeper in the dark Hollywood abyss than ever before. It a three-part report, and each part will reveal shocking new details in both the dead child actresses’ cases never known to the public until now. I have received acclaim for another investigative report I did on the sacrifice death of Brandon Lee on The Crow film set that happened in 1994. Much like there are those who say Brandon’s movie was cursed (or that the star was targeted for assassination like his dad Bruce Lee), it is clear to see that some of those involved in the movie Poltergeist were marked for death too.

“Up to now, the cause of Bruce Lee’s death is unknown, although numerous hypotheses have been put forward, including assassination by triad gangsters…”
My theory is that the freemasons (Knights Templar) who are directly involved in these secret societies (Skull N Bones, Royal Order of Jesters/Hellfire club, etc..) and Hollywood played a role in the Lee murders staged to look like something else happened. The same is suspected in the cases of dead child actors Heather O’Rourke and Judith Barsi.

Rumored members of the Jesters include: Ex-US President Barack Obama, ex-US President Harry S. Truman(deceased), Bob Saget (deceased) Steven Spielberg, Tommy Lee, Stephen King, Jim Carrey, serial killer John Wayne Gacy, dressed as a clown (deceased), Johnny Depp, The Clinton’s (Bill and Hillary), Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr. among the secret club of hundreds.

The Royal Order of Jesters is an invitation only branch of the Shriners. Although there is a requirement of Shrine and Masonic affiliation, and according to recent news reports the group has been accused of less than savory practices.

BOB SAGET (another clown = comedian) was a Master Mason 33 degree. JAY PHAROAH Masonic (does Obama impression)? PHAROAHS are Ancient Grand Masters of KEMET.
This reddit post takes us down the rabbit hole:
“The Royal Order of Jesters has been involved in controversies including allegations of sex tourism with underage girls during fishing trips in Brazil and parties featuring prostitutes in several states.”
“Barack Obama is a member of the Royal Order of Jesters and he is a sadistic terrorist who often uses comedy as a defense for his crimes. This image of Obama was digitally created because people know he is a Masonic Jester. Barack Obama used electronic weapons to terrorize the woman Miriam Carey who drove down to DC where she was shot by police who were under electronic influence of Obama and his cult. Barack Obama sacrificed Miriam Carey through electronic harassment.“
In 2009, former State Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills and two other members of the ROJ have plead guilty in Buffalo, New York in connection with organizing prostitution parties for Jesters meetings, and are awaiting sentencing. Another chapter in Big Sandy, Kentucky has been placed on probation by the national organization and is being looked into by the feds.
Doesn’t all of this activity sound very familiar to the parties that involved Jeffrey Epstein‘s ring, connected to the Clinton’s and Orgy Island, just like Chris Cornell was telling us that involved billionaires like Les Wexner? The same parties that the witness Virginia Giuffre was sold as an underage sex slave to the men in attendance at Naomi Campbell parties, Prince Andrew, rock drummer/reality TV star Tommy Lee and many other powerful men tied to Epstein’s “black book” who have yet to be named.
My latest Tommy Lee article has racked up nearly 3,000 likes. Thanks for checking it out! – Rocket
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) October 2, 2023
EXCLUSIVE: MÖTLEY CRÜE Members Are Part Of A “Secret Society”, According To Mick Mars Legal Documents, Who “Rape Young Girls" & “Hate Christians” #TeamMick
Giuffre is now at the center of one of the world’s most high-profile legal battles, after launching a civil case against Britain’s Prince Andrew. The royal has consistently denied her allegations of sexual abuse. But his lawyers’ efforts to have the case thrown out at an early stage have failed, and eventually a settlement was reached in a civil trial.
A letter filed to the US district court said the duke of York and Ms. Giuffre had reached an out-of-court settlement.
It said the duke – who makes no admission of liability – would pay an undisclosed sum to Ms. Giuffre.
Obama Jokes About Killing Jonas Brothers With Predator Drones
Founded in 1911, the Royal Order of Jesters functions in connection with Freemasonry and the Shriners.
When the founding members gathered in Hawaii on February 20, 1911, they chose the name of the Royal Order of Jesters to build upon this history and to set the tone for the organization.
On October 3, 2013, in Washington, D.C., Miriam Carey, 34, a dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut, attempted to drive through a White House security checkpoint in her black Infiniti G37 coupe, struck a U.S. Secret Service officer, and was chased by the Secret Service to the United States Capitol where she was fatally shot by law enforcement officers.
The FBI found two medications in her apartment, as well as a laptop, a flash drive and three nonfunctional cell phones. Federal officials said she may have suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and that she may have believed that President Barack Obama was communicating with her.

How this crazy story really began for me was 36 years ago, I would get off school during my senior year at Venice High in Venice, California that year in 1988 and I would walk to Stu’s house to visit a fellow red head who at the time I believe was in his mid-thirties, but he was already blazing a fast trail of success before my very eyes. He was very generous to me and my family. We spent a lot of time together, mainly our families would eat dinners together, and on Christmas day hang out and exchange gifts. Keep in mind at around that time I was always surrounded by Hollywood types, because I was always really very much in love with movies growing up. I studied in school for filmmaking and screenwriting, so being around someone like Stu would have a big impact on my life. The crazy thing about this whole story that I am about to tell you is that I was at the premiere for The Land Before Time animated film by Don Bluth and Steven Spielberg (who Stu informed me did not speak to each other during the making of the movie for some strange reason).

Within this report, readers will find screenshots of a tip that was given to me about Spielberg’s potential involvement in child abuse crimes by a truther named Michael Anderson. He was given some witness testimony who says that these girls were purportedly raped and murdered by Spielberg.

(Pictured: Young Judith Barsi wearing glasses and pigtails)
So, for me to be exposing the truth in a very sad and shockingly vile story of elite corruption and the devil himself helping to snuff out the life of two beautiful young girls loved by millions, is very deep and profound. If there is anything to be gained from all of this madness is knowing that once the truth is known, it will hopefully help to set you free from the grips of the Illuminati’s mind control (MK ULTRA) and get more aware about the harsh realities of this world so you can pay attention to keeping innocent kids safe and out of the hands of the wicked. Heather and Judith did not survive this evil, twisted world. Let’s try and use their beautiful memories and tragic stories to inspire others to open their eyes finally and stop believing all the lies being spoon fed to all of us by the nightly news.
As the story goes, Steven Spielberg is connected to Jeffrey Epstein via MEGA Group (of which both he and Epstein’s mentor Les Wexner are a member of). Fans will recall that in my #TruthForChris reporting I proved that Chris was murdered according to the forensic analysis, and his bodyguard Martin Kirsten, was connected to MOSSAD, and is the last person who was with Chris Cornell before he died. Martin was at one time romantically involved with another Epstein ring member supermodel Heidi Klum, who worked as a model for Wexner’s Victoria’s Secret along with another lure for the ring Naomi Campbell.
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

Unlimited hangout site takes us further down the rabbit hole:
The Mega Group’s role in the Epstein case has garnered some attention, as Epstein’s main financial patron for decades, billionaire Leslie Wexner, was a co-founder of the group that unites several well-known businessmen with a penchant for pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy (i.e., philanthropy benefiting a single ethnic or ethno-religious group). However, as this report will show, another uniting factor among Mega Group members is deep ties to organized crime, specifically the organized crime network discussed in Part I of this series, which was largely led by notorious Jewish American mobster Meyer Lansky.

By virtue of the role of many Mega Group members as major political donors in both the U.S. and Israel, several of its most notable members have close ties to the governments of both countries as well as their intelligence communities. As this report and a subsequent report will show, the Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Israel’s Mossad — Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich — as well as to top Israeli politicians, including past and present prime ministers with deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community.
One of those businessmen working for the Mossad, Robert Maxwell, will be discussed at length in this report. Maxwell, who was a business partner of Mega Group co-founder Charles Bronfman, aided the successful Mossad plot to plant a trapdoor in U.S.-created software that was then sold to governments and companies throughout the world. That plot’s success was largely due to the role of a close associate of then-President Ronald Reagan and an American politician close to Maxwell, who later helped aid Reagan in the cover-up of the Iran Contra scandal.

Years later, Maxwell’s daughter — Ghislaine Maxwell — would join Jeffrey Epstein’s “inner circle” at the same time Epstein was bankrolling a similar software program now being marketed for critical electronic infrastructure in the U.S. and abroad. That company has deep and troubling connections to Israeli military intelligence and the Mega Group.
Epstein appears to have ties to Israeli intelligence and has well-documented ties to influential Israeli politicians and the Mega Group. Yet, those entities are not isolated in and of themselves, as many also connect to the organized crime network and powerful alleged pedophiles.
The ties between the Mega Group and the National Crime Syndicate don’t stop there. Another prominent member of the Mega Group with ties to this same criminal network is Max Fisher, who has been described as Wexner’s mentor and is also alleged to have worked with Detroit’s “Purple Gang” during Prohibition and beyond. The Purple Gang were part of the network that smuggled Bronfman liquor from Canada into the United State during Prohibition, and one of its founders, Abe Bernstein, was a close associate of both Meyer Lansky and Moe Dalitz. Fisher was a key adviser to several U.S. presidents, beginning with Dwight D. Eisenhower, as well as to Henry Kissinger.
I am an expert not only in heavy metal music, and the occult but also the mafia, because my family on my father’s side was closely associated with Al Capone and The Chicago Outfit. I wrote an unproduced 2016 screenplay titled Public Enemy Number One, which is copyrighted and tells the true story of the origin and early history of the Chicago mob. I solved The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in the script, and reveal that cops were behind the mass shooting, along with a former member of the Purple Gang, and set-up Al Capone to look as if he did it. I also last year was interviewed on FM rock radio station WQEE 99.1 FM Rock radio in Atlanta, Georgia about The Mafia Tapes, which were given to me, and include my grandma and father discussing the history of the mob.
Killer Burke, Gus Winkler, and the other former Egan’s Rats members, working on behalf of the Purple Gang, were also the prime suspects in the March 1927 Milaflores Massacre.
Israeli media reported that Epstein and Ehud Barak were among the company’s largest investors. Barak poured millions into the company and it was recently revealed by Haaretz that a significant amount of Ehud Barak’s total investments in Carbyne was funded by Epstein, making him a “de facto partner” in the company. Barak is now Carbyne’s chairman.
The company’s executive team are all former members of different branches of Israeli intelligence, including the elite military intelligence unit, Unit 8200, that is often likened to Israel’s equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Carbyne’s current CEO, Amir Elichai, served in Unit 8200 and tapped former Unit 8200 commander Pinchas Buchris to serve as the company’s director and on its board. In addition to Elichai, another Carbyne co-founder, Lital Leshem, also served in Unit 8200 and later worked for Israeli private spy company ‘Black Cube’. Leshem now works for a subsidiary of Erik Prince’s company Frontier Services Group, according to the independent media outlet Narativ.
Report – The Truth About Pizzagate: Can You Handle It? (Pt. 3) @TheMetalDen @THR @tmz @PamelaRothrock @Jana_1977 @freeparadox @RebelPilled @jbugg72 @EndOfCentury @bobweisers @summermoon55 #NOMOREBULLSHIT
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) April 7, 2018
Narativ, which wrote the first expose on Carbyne after Epstein’s arrest, noted that the Chinese government uses a smartphone app very similar to Carbyne as part of its mass surveillance apparatus, even though the original purpose of the app was for improved emergency reporting. According to Narativ, the Chinese Carbyne-equivalent “monitors every aspect of a user’s life, including personal conversations, power usage, and tracks a user’s movement.”
Given the history of Robert Maxwell — the father of Epstein’s long-time “girlfriend” and young-girl-procuring madam, Ghislaine Maxwell — in promoting the sale of Carbyne’s modified Promis software, which was also marketed as a tool to improve government efficacy but was actually a tool of mass surveillance for the benefit of Israeli intelligence, the overlap between Carbyne and Promis is troubling and warrants further investigation.

It is also worth noting that Unit 8200-connected tech start-ups are being widely integrated into U.S. companies and have developed close ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex, with Carbyne being just one example of that trend.
Report: NIRVANA, 666 Sex Magick And The CIA Finders Cult (Pt. 1) @TheMetalDen @yjon97 @jbugg72 @RebelPilled @Jana_1977 @Chris0718 @CielGris1987 @GypsyMajik1122 @EndOfCentury @SoylentRadio #TruthForKurt #Pedogate
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) January 26, 2018
Given that intelligence agencies in both the U.S. and elsewhere often conduct covert operations for the benefit of oligarchs and large corporations as opposed to “national security interest,” Epstein’s ties to the Mega Group suggest that this group holds a unique status and influence in both the governments of the U.S. and of Israel, as well as in other countries (e.g., Russia).

Judith Barsi (DUCKY): The Land Before Time
She was a momager. She was always around her daughter. She was not an absentee parent at all. The thing is though, she had two issues. One was her husband who wanted more money, so they needed to work their daughter more and the other issue was that to get more work for the daughter, she had to let her “rehearse” and “read for parts” with producers. The mom was more than willing, not only to appease her husband but also because she loved being on sets and basking in the glow of fame from her daughter.
Her daughter had been acting from a very young age but was not really molested or assaulted until she was about seven. She got a big break that year. She had been recommended by an A+ list director/producer who had seen her for a screen test. Uh huh. He had been consulted because of an interest in an upcoming television project. The A+ lister had been involved in a similar type of project, but not for television.
Anyway, the producer of the television show loved what he saw and told the mom he needed to spend some time alone with the girl to make sure she could handle the rigors of the episode. Two hours later he brought her back. One of the actresses in the episode who literally has played basically the same character for every episode of television she has been on for the past 30 years had tried to tell the mom what would happen if she let her daughter go with the producer. The mom told the actress to mind her own business.
Fast forward a couple of years. Another producer. Another recommendation. Who did it come from? That A+ lister again. It was a project in his sphere even though he was not involved on a daily basis. This time it was a movie. For the very short amount of time the movie was being filmed, the nine-year-old girl was repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped. The mom let it happen. She pretended to not notice the men taking her daughter to their trailers or would tell others that the men wanted to go over lines or play video games. She had a never-ending list of excuses. There was an actress on the set who had bit parts in the franchise. She never worked again after that movie because of what she saw. She said she could never work in an industry that would allow that to a little girl.
It was shortly after filming wrapped that the girl began to cry out for help and was reluctant to ever be alone with anyone. She began to self-harm even at that young age. Her family was no help. The mom wanted the fame, and the dad needed the money. The dad had no idea though about the assaults.

This is why they killed Chris Cornell….#WeWantAnswers #ChrisCornell #Hollywood #ClintonFoundation
— Isaac’s Army (@ReturnOfKappy) November 4, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: MÖTLEY CRÜE’s Tommy Lee Has Been Connected To Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Ring #TeamMick
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) January 6, 2024