This report delves into the controversial and explosive theories regarding the Nephilim, Anunnaki, and their alleged connections to elite pedophilia. It explores the belief that pedophiles are energy vampires (blueblood royal lines) and the involvement of ancient, extraterrestrial beings in these horrific acts.

The report also touches on historical and cultural practices associated with the abuse of children.

Nephilim and Anunnaki:

The Nephilim and Anunnaki are figures rooted in ancient mythology and texts. The Nephilim, mentioned in the Bible, are often described as the offspring of “the sons of God” and human women.

The Anunnaki are deities from Sumerian mythology, believed by some modern theorists to be ancient aliens who influenced early human civilizations.

Pedophilia as Energy Vampirism:

A controversial theory posits that pedophiles, particularly those influenced by the Anunnaki, are energy vampires.

They supposedly “rob” energy from young, vibrant children to heal ailments such as tuberculosis, impotency, leprosy, aging, and sexually transmitted diseases. This belief extends to the notion that pedophiles derive a form of sustenance or power from the abuse of children.

“This is the source of the Black Hole Sun… the hidden truth of our matrix in 3D and ultimately the sinister reason for global mass human trafficking as a covert exchange program gone on for millennia.” – Susan Marconi

Marconi explains further:

“This is the biblical ancient bloodline contract… played out over millenia… by the chosen fallen legion Seraphin Annunaki who agreed to be the dark polarity instigators for humanity and who agreed… by contract… to reach a 95% negative reversal by the 2017 ascension Stargate window before their final leaving.. all to close out their role and return to their original place in a higher 6D harmonic, contract fulfilled. This is the long game… one Chris as it’s chosen Annu hybrid was destined for.. his end a final negative (Satanic) ritual.”

“Fiona Barrett’s that touch upon this very subject. She references what the illusionati have done as part of The Gateway Process ..the Stargate Project, which describes the galactic core being a consciousness gate of inter dimensional portal transfer that the US military and global elites are well aware of and have communicated with entities from the Orion Nebula, Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius and others. These beings take many forms… the one worshipped by the elites called the Dagon and takes reptilian/amphibious form. Fiona also states CERN is part of the portal objective to link in with the beings of the biblical Apollyon through Stargate quantum technology … which is the ancient star of the Black Hole bottomless pit in antiquity or the Wesedek phantom matrix part of the universe. This information is simply another layer of validation from her as a source of firsthand veracity to the long list of other whistleblowers, many of which have been judiciously taken out. They can interface with certain technologies and have claimed through genetic blending within certain bloodlines… hybrid control. Like they did with Chris.” 

“The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the “Brotherhood of the Snake“, a secret society set up by an alien named Ea or Enki (Satan). This story is very carefully told in the Sumerian scriptures, which go back at least 6000 years. There it says man was created by draconian aliens, who came to this planet to exploit its resources – especially gold. But the work was heavy, so the alien race wanted someone else to do the hard work. Thus Ea, who was a brilliant scientist, created homo sapiens as a hybrid between a primitive earth life-form and the alien race.”

King Charles said it himself that he is direct relation to Vlad the Impaler, who was the real-life version of famed fictional Vampire Count Dracula, and feasted on human flesh and blood, and was said to be able to shapeshift, since he was a royal Draco hybrid.

Marconi continues:

“Until recently, Marduk, Enki’s son was the current commander of the Federation Flagship Nibiru, having seized control of it from his grandfather Anu, the former commander. It is also my understanding that Enki has become the patriarch of the 5D House of Aln and also Head of the 5D Nibiruan Council representing the Dark. The Reptilians are the creation of the Carians, their parent race. They evolved on a planet in the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation. The royal line of Reptilians are the Draconians, the winged dragons. The name of their royal line is the House of Aln. This is not the exact spelling, but it is close. It is more like Oln or Ahln. Still, keeping this in mind, the Council requested I spell it Aln.”

“The Reptiles have two other major sub races. They are known as the Winged Serpents (Snakes) and the Lizards called by some, the Lizzies.”

Historical and Cultural Context:

Throughout history, various cultures have believed that the “pure” energy of virgins or young children could heal or rejuvenate.

Such beliefs led to practices where children, especially from poor families, were sold or hired out to wealthy individuals seeking cures for their maladies. This practice has had a profound and damaging impact on the victims and their families.

Anunnaki and Pedophilia:

According to experts, the Anunnaki are said to be inherently predisposed to pedophilia, viewing it as a means of conquest and control. These beings allegedly reward their military forces with access to young virgins from conquered worlds.

The Anunnaki are portrayed as indifferent to the suffering they cause, focusing solely on their gain and power. Modern-Day Pedophilia and Exploitation: In contemporary times, child prostitution and pornography are increasing, particularly in third-world countries.

The internet has facilitated the proliferation of child pornography and the solicitation of child-adult sexual encounters. Workplaces and other institutions sometimes harbor individuals addicted to such content, leading to harassment of those who oppose it.

Pedophilia in Religious and Social Institutions:

Pedophilia is prevalent in various settings, including religious institutions, schools, youth centers, and even within families. Some religious leaders and representatives, influenced by Anunnaki programming or possession, are involved in these acts, often shielded by their superiors. The cover-ups within religious organizations allow these abuses to continue unchecked.

In 1850, Austen Henry, a famous excavator, found some ancient clay tablets in Iraq (almost 250 miles away of Baghdad) during his excavation. The exact location of this excavation was near a area of today’s Iraqi town Mosul. These Sumerian tablets give us the clue about one of the notable historical findings of our time- evidence of advanced species descending to our planet, and living with humans.

These tablets were first deciphered by a linguistic scholar Zechariah Sitchin, who was a master of many Middle Eastern languages: Sumerian, Hebrew, Aramaic. His translation reveals that the Annunakis were gods, lived with humans, who descended from a heavenly body. This Sumerian text is also known as Enoch, which describes Gods as “the watchers” as does Egyptian text. According to this tablet Annunaki came from a distant planet “Nibiru”, which is also known as Planet X.

Enki and Creation Myths:

Enki was a deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. The name Ea is of Sumerian origin and was written by means of two signs signifying “house” and “water”. Enki was the deity of water, intelligence, creation, and lord of the Apsu, the watery abyss.

In the Sumerian stories Lucifer (Satan) is presented as Enki

The main temple of Enki was the so-called e-engur-ra, the “house of the water-deep” in Eridu, which was in the wetlands of the Euphrates valley at some distance from the Persian Gulf – the Cradle of Civilization.

Astral and Physical Worlds:

The theory extends to the astral world, where pedophilia occurs as thought forms influencing the physical world. Astral pedophiles derive pleasure and energy from observing and participating in these acts through thought forms. They influence physical pedophiles and those susceptible to such behavior, contributing to the perpetuation of abuse.

The theories surrounding the Nephilim, Anunnaki, and elite pedophiles present a disturbing and fact-based view of ancient and modern abuses.

Mark Epstein Claims Brother Was Murdered:

  My controversial theories surrounding adrenochrome, elite human trafficking rings, and the deaths of rock musicians Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington have reached the highest levels in the media but are still largely not taken seriously by the masses. These theories have long been propagated by various sources, other than me, who suggest that Cornell and Bennington were murdered to silence their attempts to expose these pedophile rings.

A recent Watergate style break in of Michael Sitrick‘s office in Brentwood now come into play, the man who cleans up PR nightmares of big name celebrities, clients he’s worked with include key players in PEDOGATE, namely Jeffrey Epstein and rock drummer Tommy Lee. There are purportedly “Sex tapes” that capture on video these celebs engaging in pedophile acts with underage girls. The computer servers (where the sex tapes are stored) were stolen, around the same time that Epstein’s files were opened up to the public. Jeffrey’s brother has gone on the record now to say he believe his brother was murdered to protect the powerful elite pedophiles.


Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. It has been a subject of various conspiracy theories, which claim that it is harvested from terrified children and used by elites for its purported anti-aging and psychoactive effects. These theories often depict adrenochrome extraction as a gruesome practice linked to human trafficking and child exploitation.

Chris Cornell Murder Conspiracy Theories Investigated

Jeffrey Epstein and Human Trafficking:

Jeffrey Epstein, a late billionaire and convicted sex offender, was known for his extensive network of influential connections and his involvement in human trafficking. Epstein was arrested in 2019 on federal charges of sex trafficking minors in Florida and New York. His sudden death in jail, ruled a suicide, has fueled numerous conspiracy theories about his involvement with powerful individuals and the true extent of his criminal activities.

Randy “Rocket” Cody’s Claims:

Cody claims that elite human trafficking rings, involving high-profile individuals, are connected to the use of adrenochrome. According to Cody, Epstein was a central figure in these rings, facilitating the trafficking and abuse of minors for the extraction of adrenochrome and other nefarious purposes.

The Deaths of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington: Chris Cornell, the lead singer of Soundgarden, died in 2017, officially ruled as suicide by hanging. Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park and a close friend of Cornell, died in the same manner two months later on Chris’ birthday. Cody and others suggest that their deaths were not suicides, but murders orchestrated to prevent them from exposing the elite’s human trafficking and adrenochrome networks.

 Cody tied VIcky Cornell to Johnny Depp and the Black Dahlia murder suspect Man Ray with a bar Depp founded in Paris, France named after him. Depp himself once starred in a Hollywood film called “Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas” which featured the elite’s super drug called adrenochrome.

Chris Cornell:

Cody alleges that Cornell was investigating child trafficking and had gathered significant evidence against powerful individuals.He claims that Cornell was planning to reveal this information before his death, which he believes was a staged suicide.

The ‘black book’ Chris Cornell received in the files called Swordfish connects the Clinton’s to late convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and Comet Pizza in Washington DC. which has pedophile artwork on walls. The Clinton’s and Podesta attended events there. This is proven

Chester Bennington:

According to Cody, Bennington was also involved in the investigation and was working closely with Cornell.Bennington’s death, occurring on Cornell’s birthday (July 20), is viewed by Cody as a message to others who might attempt to expose these activities.

“Once a Nazi-Tibetan alliance was formed, the lamas agreed to share with them that for centuries, they had been helping to hide an indigenous race of reptiles living deep within the planet since prehistoric times, known as Vril lizards. It seems that these lizards knew the location of an abandoned military base dating back from the time of Atlantis, filled with ancient aircraft, weaponry and technology hidden within the tunnels and caverns of Antarctica. The lizards had no use for the tech, but they were willing to trade for something else they wanted. The lizards were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. And so, a deal was made. The Nazis got the ancient Atlantean tech and sold out the human race.” –

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, we are currently under a state of alien invasion, only no one is aware of the attack because they look just like us. He claims that they live among us now, undetected. “They could be your friend, neighbor or coworker. They look human, but they’re not…”

Donald Marshall Revolution

Most of all the world’s elite and celebrities are not human beings, they are actually hybrid lizard people, believe it or not. They have the ability to shapeshift from their true hideous 12-foot-tall monster reptile appearance to looking like a regular human being standing at 6 feet tall. The entire world population is infested with reptoids, and it is all being covered up by the mainstream news media (who themselves are made up mostly of shapeshifting lizard people).

Charlie Sheen, Steve O, Miley Cyrus, Jane Fonda, Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, Julia Roberts, and so many more are hybrid lizard people!

This is why Chris Cornell was suicided, along with his friend Chester Bennington back in 2017. It is also the main reason the governments of the world, now forming the New World Order, allow the CIA backed elites like James Alefantis to kill abducted kids at Comet Pizza in Washington DC.

On July 16th of 2016, truther investigator Max Spiers was found dead after exposing the evil elite’s agenda. When you combine the numerical representation of July which is the 7th month with the 16th day of the month, it equals the 23 Enigma.


Chris was trying to expose the truth about the elite’s human trafficking via CIA backed abduction operations in Haiti (Hillary and Bill Clinton, Laura Silsby) and other areas hard hit by poverty that the elite would set up orphanages used to place kids into sex slavery. These same elite sex traffickers have gone without punishment, and that is why my reporting is so crucial in shining light on the matter.

Jeffrey Epstein’s “black book” was a major bombshell that is still doing damage in so many ways, but the sex traffickers and celebrity “Johns”, you know, the perverted old men who flew to Orgy Island to sexually abuse and or murder kids were paying high dollar for these underage escorts, they have mostly been kept secret from the public. Ghislaine Maxwell was set-up to take the fall for all of these crimes apparently, and the 20 years she was sentenced does not serve the people, who are still being victimized by these monsters who continue to be involved in sex slavery rings or even being a lure for one, or someone who pays for these misguided underage girls being pimped out as street whores. It is wrong and it needs to stop now.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List: How It Connects To Chris Cornell And Chester Bennington Being Murdered (

By the court not revealing all of those connected to the Epstein ring it means literally hundreds of protected criminals (powerful men and women) got away with ever seeing their day in a criminal court.

One of those names is Flavio Briatore, named in Epstein’s black book, a man once romantically linked to Heidi Klum, who was at one time dating Chris Cornell’s bodyguard Martin Kirsten. Mr. Briatore was romantically involved with two central players in the Epstein pedo scandal, Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell, said to have worked as lures for the ring.

Chris Cornell had launched his own foundation where he put all his money into it from his side jobs outside of SOUNDGARDEN, literally the fees he got to make appearances, he would put it all back into the foundation.

During the first month of my independent investigation, I uncovered that his wife was potentially involved in corruption with regards to the money for the foundation.

A woman named Penelope Tree of Lotus Outreach International similarly works with at risk kids. Her charity has since expanded and now works in different locations, most recently in Thailand and Cambodia where the focus is on sex-trafficked girls. In 2005, Tree visited 25 different projects in the two countries.  The abuse of low income kids around the world is no laughing matter. It is as real as it gets.

Chris Cornell helped with the soundtrack of a movie called “The Promise” shortly before his death, addressing the hardships and inhuman conditions innocent kids are put through in war torn regions of the world.

The song of the same title written and performed by Chris was released as a single on March 10, 2017, and is notable as being the last solo release from Cornell prior to his death on May 18, 2017.

Readers will recall the drama surrounding Chris and Chester Bennington’s death also centered around “spirit cooking” and John Podesta, and other high-powered individuals like Epstein himself.

Juan Alessi, a former house manager for Epstein, told the court that over a 10-year period, Ghislaine Maxwell brought more than 100 young women that she called “massage therapists” to Epstein’s home. He said that when he cleaned up after them, he found vibrators and sex toys on the massage table.

This is where Epstein’s infamous “black book” was recovered. 

Ghislaine Maxwell trial, day four: Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book, and his butler Juan Alessi testifies. (

Epstein’s “black book” was included in the Swordfish computer file that also contained other damning evidence about the Washington DC based child trafficking ring, namely Frazzledrip snuff video. Murdered rocker Chris Cornell was said to have been sent the Swordfish file and then next Chester Bennington is found dead on Chris’ birthday two months later.

“SWORDFISH” Plans To Out “Music Industry Pedophiles” (

According to Slate website, on day four of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial year before last, Government Exhibit 52 made its much-anticipated debut. This is Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book”—the telephone directory containing names and numbers for a huge roster of Epstein’s wealthy and powerful friends.

The book was introduced as the prosecution’s witness Juan Alessi was on the stand. Alessi was the butler/driver/gofer at Epstein’s Palm Beach, Florida, house from around 1991 until 2002. He described the decadent atmosphere around the mansion, which he said was run “like a five-star hotel.” He was expected to keep wads of hundred-dollar bills stocked in each of Epstein’s cars at all times. He said there were many women who hung around Epstein’s pool and that they were topless “75 to 80 percent of the time.” He said Maxwell, whom he called the “lady of the house,” took many photos of these topless women, and displayed them in frames on her desk there. He also said it was obvious that Maxwell was in charge of running the household. And she slept in Epstein’s bedroom, with Epstein.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a self-described Epstein sex slave, who sued Maxwell and claims that she procured her for sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew, said she was also “forced” to have sex with Brunel as well as Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, “and many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders,” the documents say.

Among the other girls in Epstein’s harem was Nada Marcinkova, who had been allegedly bought from her parents in Eastern Europe by Epstein when she was 15, according to one of Epstein’s alleged victims.

Marcinkova, who now goes by the name Nadia Marcinko, was one of Epstein’s alleged “sex slaves” and allegedly participated in trysts with underage girls, according to court papers.

 Marina Abramovic is the brother of Ghislaine Maxwell:

Satanist Marina Abramovic is actually Michael MaxwellGhislaine Maxwell‘s oldest brother who “died” in 1969 after being “in a coma for 8 years following a car crash” So he was born in 1946. They’re all connected.

The rabbit hole never ends. Satanist Marina Abramovic is actually Michael Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s oldest brother who “died” in 1969 after being “in a coma for 8 years following a car crash” Face with rolling eyes. So he was born in 1946. They’re all connected. : r/TopConspiracy (

Via NY Post:

Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s gang of accused slave ‘recruiters’ (

Girls recruited as models from around the world were brought to the US and the building by MC2, a modeling company run by Epstein pal Jean-Luc Brunel. The company was financed by Epstein beginning in 2003, court papers show.

The girls passed through various apartments in the building where assistants arranged for their work visas, booked travel and modeling jobs. Some were also dispatched for other duties to Epstein’s nearby mansion on East 71st Street, court papers say.

Epstein “was the one who said who stays in what apartment,” said Maritza Vasquez, who worked as a bookkeeper for MC2, in a 2010 deposition made public.

“Epstein and Brunel would then obtain a visa for these girls, then would charge the underage girls rent,” court documents say.

According to a cache of more than 2,000 documents unsealed in a defamation case against British socialite and former Epstein gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell, Brunel had more than catwalk appearances planned for some of the girls. He offered up girls as young as 16 for “massages” with Epstein that often wound up as sexual-abuse sessions, according to documents filed in the lawsuit.

The Cannibal Club, Cheese Pizza And Human Meat Pies:

Following up on a rumor that began to circulate on the net claiming child flesh was being served to unwitting customers at Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC, I gathered up the courage and went deeper into the dark world of child killing for profit and my investigation uncovered many suspicious details, one included owner James Alefantis’ connection to pedophilia art collecting and the alleged involvement with shipping abducted kids as artwork.

Keep in mind, Comet Ping Pong is located less than 5 miles from the White House.

As the story goes, Obama, Courtney Love, Hillary Clinton and other powerful Washington giants have attended “pizza parties” at Comet Ping Pong, where Satanic pedophile rock act, HEAVY BREATHING, frequently performs for an all ages crowd.

John Podesta is also a good friend of Mr. Alefantis, who worked for both Clinton’s as their main dude when it comes to kicking people’s ass in politics… or even worse, making them stop breathing.

It seems Mr. Podesta has an odd knack for people ending up dead around him.

Evidence and the Mainstream Media Cover Up:

The theories posited by me and others are backed by a mountain of evidence and have been backed up by professionals who are experts on these matters.

There was too much blood at the scene of Chris Cornell’s death to be a hanging suicide. He suffered 9 rib fractures, which is not typical for a healthy man in his early 50s. This is an indication that Chris engaged in a fight with someone who attacked him in his hotel room after his final concert on May 17, 2017.

Again, I have connected the 23 Enigma to these two staged celeb deaths, as it pertains to the occult, and the Illuminati. Look at the date of when Chris was found dead in his hotel room, 5/18 (5+18= 23).

Yet the truth is, I proved via forensic analysis that Chris actually passed away two hours earlier than his death pronouncement on May 18th at 1:30AM. This is due to the body cooling down. It needs at least 2 hours in normal 70 degree room temp to become “Cold to the touch” all over, as was indicated by the medic who examined Chris.

This means Chris died around 11:30am on May 17th, not the 18th. This puts his bodyguard Martin Kirsten in the spot of being the last person to see Chris alive and makes him the prime suspect in Mr. Cornell’s murder.

The most telling fact is that Martin Kirsten was once romantically involved with Heidi Klum, who was directly connected to the pedo ring’s biggest player of all Les Wexner, her former employer with Victoria’s Secret.

Unanswered questions in Chris Cornell’s death trouble fans (

CHRIS CORNELL, His Bodyguard & The Failure To Protect! (

CHRIS CORNELL, Pedogate & The Wicked Witch Of Grunge (

For further information, check out Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting via!

The Cannibal Club, Cheese Pizza And Human Meat Pies (